- Category: April 2015 - Social Media
Timing is always crucial and of course applies to social media as well. Depending on the time of day and day of the week, the commitment and activity rates vary. Quicksprout revealed an interesting infographic when the best time is to share something on Facebook, Twitter or Google+, which we present in the following.
The article is intended as a guide, however does not spare the analysis when own content works best on social media. The ideal point in time is always individual; therefore, test yourself by using the appropriate tools to find out if the time slots in this article apply to your content.
The point of time when tweeting is particularly effective
On Twitter, you need to be clearly differentiate between B2C and B2B, since the best share times vary a lot. In the B2B area, the weekdays from Monday to Friday are especially suitable, since they achieve 14% higher engagement rates. In the business sector that is not surprising. In the B2C area, a different picture emerges. Both the commitment and the click-through rate is here the highest on Wednesdays and weekends. For brands, commitment rates are in general even higher by 17% on weekends. The best click-through rates can be reached on Twitter at noon and 6 pm (at lunch or after work time) respectively. Most retweets are received at around 5pm.
When you should share something on Facebook
On Facebook, 86% of all posts are shared between Monday and Friday. During the workweek, Thursday and Friday stand out, so that these two days are particularly well suited to publish something on the social media giant. Besides that, the commitment rate is 3.5% higher on these days than the rest of the week. Of course, it depends on the target audience; nevertheless, the overall picture is clear: The ideal time for Facebook posts is between 9am and 7pm, whereby the most shared posts are published at 1pm and those shared at 3pm are getting the most clicks.
Google+: How to get the most commitment
On Google+, during the week is the best time to post something as well. Wednesday is the most fruitful of all days. As for the time, the late morning has proven to be an ideal time to share something on Google+, as both the click-through rates (CTR), as well as the commitment are then the highest.
All data can be found in the infographic of Quicksprout.
By Daniela La Marca