Saturday Jul 27th

MediaTek joined Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) to advance its edge AI platform
The global fabless semiconductor company MediaTek just joined the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) to drive AI innovation and support the evolution of its edge AI platform.
There is still a big gap between AI potential and use
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable in science. Ultimately it is able to analyze large amounts of data much faster than the human brain. By now, the systems have even progressed so far that they deduce appropriate conclusions and can act accordingly. Thus, the discipline has made b ...
How Unilever is using AI to improve ROI on its Influencer Marketing Campaigns
As millennial consumers continue to reject traditional advertising but listening more to recommendations from beauty experts on social media, influencer marketing has started to become one of the main new drivers of customer acquisition for beauty brands around the world.
AI’s impact on the workforce of the future is no different from previous industrial revolutions
PwC examined in a new report the impacts of three overlapping waves of automation - the algorithm, augmentation and autonomy wave. The research analyzed the tasks and skills involved in the jobs of over 200,000 workers across 29 countries in order to assess the potential impact of automation on work ...
Is AI exhausting or feeding the work environment?
According to new data from Accenture Strategy, working professionals worldwide are more willing to work with intelligent machines than public opinion suggests.
Artificial Intelligence in marketing – where is it heading?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the top marketing theme last year and continues to be this year, simple because only a few have the time to search through the vast amounts of data, but a robot can.
The most influential and popular AI applications providers for marketing support
  Since, making use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is clearly increasing in popularity, we created for your convenience a list of the most important marketing applications providers.
The changing 'lingual' face of ‘Digital India’
India commemorated its 69th Republic Day last week, celebrating the unique diversity and cultural heritage that the country is well known for. There’s a strong digital mindset that has been gripping the country, and Times Internet, has been recording the pulse of the nation with the release of ...
By 2020, one-third of all B2B companies will have employed AI to augment their primary sales processes, Gartner said
According to Gartner, 25% of customer service and support operations will integrate virtual customer assistant (VCA) or chatbot technology across engagement channels by 2020, up from less than two percent in 2017.
Retailer spending on AI to grow nearly fourfold
A new study from Juniper Research has found that global retailer spending on AI will reach $7.3 billion per annum by 2022, up from an estimated $2 billion in 2018, as retailers target new avenues to increase personalization of the customer experience.
Revolutionizing the customer approach with Artificial Intelligence Marketing
One of the most difficult tasks for marketers is a personalized customer approach and that’s exactly where AI can help.
Emerging group of 'cloud masters' accelerates the ability to outperform peers
A global survey of 730 IT professionals, conducted by Longitude, revealed that a small group of forward-thinking businesses has reached cloud maturity with on average of 70% or more of their applications operating in the cloud. Oracle and Intel partnered with Longitude Research for the study that su ...
Artificial Intelligence is taking centerstage in marketing
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is almost indispensable when talking about customers' service expectations, competitiveness, and assistance. To no surprise, AI technologies are taking centerstage not only in innovation hubs like Silicon Valley, but the big platform companies like Amazon, Google, ...
Artificial Intelligence vs Marketing Automation
Artificial intelligence is exactly what it sounds like: Tasks that normally require the commitment of a person are done by using technologies that simulate human intelligence. Depending on the activity of a company, this can mean a complex technical solution or a simple chatbot. Fact is that AI tech ...
To what extent can AI positively support brand building or perception?
Artificial intelligence has become indispensable in science, ultimately it is able to analyze large amounts of data much faster than the human brain. By now, the systems have even progressed so far that they deduce appropriate conclusions and can act accordingly. Thus, the discipline has made breakt ...

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