Saturday Jul 27th

Acronym Asia’s Wealth of Keyword Intelligence
Acronym Asia is the regional arm of Acronym Media, a leading global search and keyword-driven marketing agency.
Global creative agency iris has recruited one of Asia’s leading creative talents Barry Low to be Creative Director of its China operation. Low, who joined in August, will leave his present role as senior creative director at DDB China to join iris’ Beijing office, where he reports in to ...
Read more... Singapore’s Favourite One-Stop Destination was launched in May 2009 by SingTel Digital Media, a subsidiary of Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.
MMA Asia Pacific on the Role of Mobile Marketing in the Digital Age
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has just announced their repositioning to create additional membership benefits and enhance effectiveness to meet the changing face of mobile marketing. “In its formative years, the MMA placed great emphasis on helping build a global industry, creating standa ...
Windows Internet Explorer 9: Will it Live Up to Expectations?
Microsoft Corp. released the new version of its Web browser just last week, aiming to stem market-share losses to Mozilla’s Firefox, Google Inc.’s Chrome and Apple Inc.’s Safari.
Sybase 365 Processed One Trillion Mobile Messages By Now
Sybase 365, a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc., a global leader in mobile messaging and mobile commerce services, announced recently that it has processed more than one trillion inter-operator messages since the company launched the first SMS interoperability messaging hub in 2001.
Social Media News: Online Marketing Future Trend?
The marketing industry is facing new challenges, as social media, blogs and Twitter are changing the media landscape.
Online Traffic to Property Related Websites in Hong Kong Fell by 40 Percent in August, According to Experian Hitwise
According to Experian Hitwise, a leading online competitive intelligence service, visits by Hong Kong Internet users to property related websites fell dramatically in the month of August, decreasing by 40 percent (see figure 1). Despite the fall in August, the traffic to property related websites ha ...
Online Marketing’s Potential for Success
When you walk around town, you run into hundreds of unfamiliar faces.
The Digital Content Economy: Implications for Monetization
The micro-economic landscape that surrounds the digital content market has a major impact on the monetization strategies and business models throughout the content value chain. Ovum identified some of the demand and supply-side factors that affect the digital content economy and suggests that a det ...
Peace One Day Global Education Resource: Window to a Better World
Asian eMarketing is impressed by Peace One Day’s global movement that annually calls for ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September, the UN International Day of Peace, and encourages you to get informed about their initiative.
New ASA Regulations are a Boon to Victims of Google’s Change in Trademark Stance
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has announced that it is extending its powers to cover all online marketing and advertising from 1 March 2011.
Ovum: Regulation is a Necessary Evil to Protect from Having Sensitive Information Spread Around the Web
Ovum finds that the risk of sensitive information being divulged on the web by organisations makes regulation a necessary evil.
Singapore  Emerges as Asia-Pacific’s Cloud Computing Hub
Global and regional service providers have invested in data centers to support new advanced services in the region, which include cloud services.
Google has just announced its “streaming search” service, Google Instant, which is coming out of limited Beta testing and is going live for all users.
Samsung Galaxy Tab – the Real Bellwether for the Tablet Market
Samsung’s much-heralded Android-powered Galaxy Tab tablet device offers the first real test of both Apple’s iPad and the wider prospects for the tablet market generally.
Post Recession Global Retail Study by Microsoft Advertising and Aegis Media Reveals Emerging Shopping Trends
The global recession has affected the way consumers are shopping. 
Online  Media Consumption and Distribution Shifting in Southeast Asia
Comprehensive Study Commissioned by Yahoo! Shows Online Entertainment and Gaming, Social Media and Mobile Access Fundamentally Changing User Behavior
Good Digital Brand Management Masters Information, Communications and Dialogues across All Channels
What kind of media is your target audience using? If you cannot answer this question with certainty and peace of mind, you might have a problem with your brand communications.
More Marketers in Singapore’s Infocomm & Technology Sector Use Social Media to Grow and Promote their Business
Although this first time survey was already launched three months ago during CommunicAsia 2010, Asian e-Marketing believes it is worth to refer to it again as it indicates a robust outlook for social media use in Singapore.
Considerations for the Brave New World of Web 2.0 / 3.0
Are Web 2.0 products such as blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other forums a gathering place for egocentrics, eternally dissatisfied persons, and know-it-alls - or is it a global stage for opinion leaders, trend-setters, peer groups, or in other words for crucial minorities, that dominate major ...
Singapore Internet Users Clock Ten Hours Each Month Watching Videos
ComScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, released in April its ranking of the top video properties in Singapore based on data from its comScore Video Metrix service.
Buzzword: Pay-Per-Performance (PPP) Advertising
Pay-Per-Performance Advertising, or PPP, is a term used in Internet marketing to define a popular pricing model whereby a marketing agency receives a payment from an advertiser for each new lead or new customer obtained for the advertiser through the agency's online marketing efforts.
Frost & Sullivan predicts Asia-Pacific Content Security to Double in 2010
The Asia-Pacific secure content management (SCM) market is forecasted to grow by 15.4 percent in 2010 - from just 6.3 percent in 2009 - with revenues rising to US$522 million by the end of the year.
B2B Online Marketing Never Loses Its Appeal
B2B marketers face two key challenges: reaching key decision-makers and demonstrating marketing results.
“Free” Digital Content Not the Ultimate Future for Internet Media
“Free” is being hailed as the Internet’s natural and ultimate future – as evidenced by a growing cohort of bloggers who insist “free” is the only solution to content providers’ Internet woes.
A Dozen Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy
From the moment it was founded in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights and listed their Top 12 ways to protect your online privacy which Asian e-Marketing is repeating in our current issue:
The Apple Store knocks HP Off the Top Spot as Most Visited Website
Hitwise has, since 1997, pioneered a unique, network-based approach to Internet measurement.

About Us

MediaBUZZ is the first ‘pure’ digital publisher in the region, making an impact in Asia Pacific since 2004. Designed to empower marketers in the vibrant, ever-changing electronic marketing environment, its publication Asian eMarketing covers the digital age and zooms in on the most valuable and indispensable tools of today’s marketers. Circulated weekly to more than 60,000 top management and marketing decision-makers, the useful and informative articles support e-marketers in finding a sound marketing strategy, vital for their growing business success.

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