Tuesday Sep 17th

It’s Getting to Be an mBanking World
A recent report from IDC Financial Insights emphasized that banks need to prepare themselves for the coming wave of mobile adoption to avoid being left behind by competitors and advices to take a more strategic look at mobile banking rather than evaluating it simply as an extension of online banking ...
Buzzwords: Wardriving, warbiking, warwalking …
Wardriving is the act of searching for Wi-Fi wireless networks by a person in a moving vehicle, using a portable computer or PDA. It derived from the term wardialing from the 1983 film WarGames, which involved searching for computer systems to connect to, using software that dialed numbers sequentia ...
The Power of Mobile Streaming
The mobile platform finally seems to show some signs of living up to the widespread expectations as mobile entertainment in the form of movies, TV-series, audio podcasts, music, and ultimately mobile streaming appears to be the next big challenge after the introduction of the mobile web for content ...
Protecting your Mobile Device from Attacks
Mobile phones with built-in office and Internet functions, so-called smart phones, start to become omnipresent and consequently inspire more and more hackers and virus writers to come up with ideas, especially since these end devices, like PCs, have numerous security gaps. Believe me, the dangers ar ...
Kaspersky Labs: Making the Mobile World a Safer Place
Modern mobile phones have nowadays a wide range of functions, such as a camera, Internet access, MP3 player, navigation equipment or a game console. The coercible conclusion is that a portable "mini-computer" can be abused just as well for the spread of malware, the delivery of unsolicited advertisi ...
The Origin of Mobile Viruses
Almost all discussions on computer viruses raise the question which countries developed the threat and the media often yields to temptation to lay the blame stereotypically on the “Russian threat”. But that’s a myth which cannot bear up under a well conducted examination. During the past years ...
The Not So Sweet Tunes of Mobile Music
From Sony's "Walkman" in 1979, to mobile CD and MP3 players, the mobile music entertainment celebrated in July this year quietly and secretly its 30-year triumph.
A Brief History on the Types of Mobile Viruses
According to Kaspersky Lab, the first proof of concept virus for smartphones running Symbian OS appeared in June 2004. In the autumn of 2004, three mainstream parasites for mobile devices emerged, one being in the family of the infamous Trojans. The first was Mosquit.a, actually a harmless game for ...
Handhelds – The stepchildren of IT security
Working with mobile devices is on the rise in almost all companies. Besides the already established laptop, employees revert more and more often to the PDA or smartphone to access important data, or to interact quickly with colleagues, when outside office. Companies hope in general to achieve higher ...
Guide to Mobile Platforms for Marketing
Brands and agencies recognize and agree that the mobile channel is a highly effective way to reach consumers. But the most successful campaigns are built on the understanding that the mobile channel isn't homogeneous. Instead, savvy brands and marketers know that it's actually a set of options, each ...
The 7th Mass Media
The mobile phone has emerged as the 7th mass media channel, but it has to be emphasized that it is as different from the internet [6th Mass Media] as TV [5th] is from radio [4th]. Trying to force concepts from the internet, TV, or other previous media would produce a disappointing audience experienc ...
Cleaning Data Carriers Effectively
Whoever is planning to sell or scrap his old computer, used mobile phone or used storage media, should make sure that all files are really deleted - so let me tell you how to do it right.
The Challenges and the Future of Mobile Marketing
“Mobile marketing is not being used to its full potential by marketers,” says Rohit Dadwal, managing director, Mobile Marketing Association, Asia Pacific.
eBanking: Greater Security with mTAN
Online banking is popular in order to pay for instance comfortably your bills from home or to manage custody accounts. But floods of phishing e-mails and increasingly sophisticated viruses that manipulate the user’s computer alienate. Banks are therefore looking for strategies that protect their c ...
Nokia Zooms in on Developers and the Creation of a Vibrant Mobile Future
Nokia is not wavering from its vision of building a more vibrant mobile ecosystem. This drive was once again emphasized at the company’s OneConnectedWorld event held recently in Malaysia. The event saw more than 300 attendees comprising of media, bloggers, developers and invited guests from around ...
China Telecom 1H09: Promising Growth in the Mobile Market, but Pressures Remain
China Telecom, the country’s biggest fixed operator, demonstrated strong growth in the mobile market in 1H09. The 3G licence it was granted in early 2009 has provided it with an opportunity to enter the mobile market just as fixed-to-mobile substitution is beginning to accelerate its fixed subscri ...
Addressing Privacy and Data Protection in Mobile Marketing
With the mobile device becoming our constant companion in business as well as in our personal lives and the mobile web becoming more pervasive, it’s not surprising that privacy and data protection issues are a key and rising concern. According to Rohit Dadwal, managing director, Mobile Marketing A ...
E-Mail Marketers’ Challenge when Dealing with Mobile Audiences
Increasing mobile usage as well as technical handicaps regarding the presentation of mobile content requires a special kind of e-mail marketing for mobile phone and smartphone users.
Mobile Media and “The Pace of Life”
The faster a message finds its recipient, the higher is the "desire by the other" to get a quick response, I recently read on the German Website “mobile zeitgeist”, where it has been stated:
Building Consumer Trust in Mobile Marketing
Ever since the rise of the SMS (short message service) in the early 2000s, businesses have viewed it as an additional avenue in which to reach out to their consumers, initiating the first forms of mobile advertising/marketing. Over the past few years, there has been an exponential uptake of this mar ...
Mobile Marketing – Ready for Primetime
The mobile opportunity is tremenous. In Asia Pacific alone, mobile subscribers are forecast to reach three billion in the near future with penetration rates 20 times higher than Internet connectivity in many of these countries. As the penetration of mobile phones continues, brands who want to reach ...
Our Mobile Companions: New Target Boards?
They become smarter and smarter, our elegant darlings in the small business bags and black briefcases. Mobile phones morphing to smartphones; portable handhelds mutating into all-rounder: Technology the size of a spectacle case replaces video recorder, photo camera, hi-fi system and as a matter of c ...
The Mobile Social Networking Phenomenon
It is no surprise that mobile social networks are beginning to become more and more popular. After all, mobile users constitute one of the biggest growth areas in the online market.  According to Juniper Research, the number of active users of mobile social networking sites will rise from 54 millio ...
Integrated Mobile Broadcast to Spur the Global Adoption of Mobile Data & Broadcast Services
The GSM Association (GSMA) has recently announced that it is endorsing a new 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) standard called Integrated Mobile Broadcast (IMB), a technology that enables spectrally-efficient delivery of broadcast services, based on techniques that are greatly aligned with e ...
Asia will continue to Lead in Mobile Growth and Revenues with China in the Forefront
According to research of Frost & Sullivan, North Asia is light years ahead of all other Asian sub-regions in terms of mobile service innovation and revenues, especially due to countries like Japan and South Korea. Both nations account for the highest average revenue per user (ARPU) levels in Asia-Pa ...

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MediaBUZZ is the first ‘pure’ digital publisher in the region, making an impact in Asia Pacific since 2004. Designed to empower marketers in the vibrant, ever-changing electronic marketing environment, its publication Asian eMarketing covers the digital age and zooms in on the most valuable and indispensable tools of today’s marketers. Circulated weekly to more than 60,000 top management and marketing decision-makers, the useful and informative articles support e-marketers in finding a sound marketing strategy, vital for their growing business success.

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