Copying others doesn‘t work out, as you never get as good as the original!
And while there‘s hardly any doubts left as to whether online video is the way to go, it might be a challenge for some to have the right ideas for video campaigns that will really push your brand forward. Marketers who haven‘t yet, or who haven‘t been successful with this channel, should give video campaigns some serious thought. There are even cases were a single video ad takes care of image issues of a brand.
I‘ve picked out my top ten favorite video campaigns, so get inspired, open your mind and ideas will come!
Kobe vs Messi: Legends on Board - over 104 million views on YouTube
A cute and funny video featuring two sports legends competing for the attention of a little boy.
Invisible Children Inc. / KONY 2012 - over 97 million views
A great and moving example of what social can do for humanity, if we use it right - for the right cause.
Evian Roller Babies - over 64 million views
A brilliant idea - cute and funny.
The Force Volkswagon - over 57 million views
Old Spice | The Man Your Man Could Smell Like - over 45 million views
An Old Spice video which was viewed 45 million times? The rather dusty image of Old Spice was completely turned around by this ad. Amazing!
Nike: My Time is Now - over 21 million views
GoPro HERO3 - over 19 million views
Beautiful imagery put to use.
Red Bull Stratos: Mission Highlights - over 33 million views
There‘s not much to be said about this one - Red Bull invests in such spectacular campaigns that it really highlights what marketers need to do: find unique, useful and content that is worth to be shared to promote your brand via video and other channels.
T-Mobile Royal Wedding - over 27 million views
Angry Birds Space Nasa Announcement - over 23 million views
Get inspired and don‘t forget the impact video campaigns can have, if implemented right - even globally!
By Anjum Siddiqi