A consumer who is looking for a product on the Internet is an ideal recipient for targeted online marketing since the person indicated an interest. The start-up Nano Interactive can help in proving search-intent targeted advertising, “based on a technology that even the search engine giant Google cannot keep up with”, the company states.
If users are looking for information, a product, or a service on the Internet, this is the best time to approach them with suitable advertising – and that’s exactly when Nano Interactive comes into play: The start-up plays targeted online advertising to Internet users based on their current search queries, and thus creates personalized marketing across all web formats – be it on a PC screen, via mobile or in video and audio formats.
In fact, the European provider of search-based targeting already launched Nano INSIST three years ago, which allows advertisers to choose whether they want to use the mechanism completely cookie-free or prefer to use the search history of the user. In other words, Nano Interactive helps advertisers and publishers achieve the best results while fully respecting the privacy of users: (1) Advertisers keep full control over their campaigns by showing them exactly where their advertisements appear and what terms were searched for. The ads are then displayed to the user in real time and in a contextually relevant environment. (2) Nano Interactive has its own publisher network and uses ‘search intent technology’ to help these publishers monetize their inventory and reach new target groups.
Searching the Internet is in general one of the strongest signals for online marketing since it is an active input that expresses a consumer's wishes and intentions. The technology from Nano Interactive processes these signals in real time and plays advertising exactly where the search takes place and where the marketing makes the most sense – directly in real time to the user. Compared to Google's search engine advertising, Nano Interactive’s ‘Search Intent Targeting’ is not limited to pure text links.
To do this, the technology provider processes around five billion search queries every month and has more than 500 million anonymized user profiles on its data management platform – none of which is older than 60 days. The reason why current search data is used by Nano Interactive is simple: they not only want to guess what the users are interested in but instead know it. The software, therefore, goes without socio-demographic data, profile data from secondary sources or lookalike modeling, which are insignificant in this context due to the high error rate.
Just last year, the AdTech startup received an investment of more than 6 million euros from Maven Capital Partners, Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank as well as the existing investors Foresight Group to further expand its privacy-friendly platform. With the help of the financing, Nano Interactive wants to expand its AI-controlled intent targeting platform that enables advertisers and agencies to manage their campaigns based on live intent signals without interfering with the privacy of the user. It connects brands and premium publishers in an innovative way.
Since the launch of the platform, more than 2000 campaigns have been delivered via various channels (mobile, video, display). Considering now the challenges posed by Covid-19 and the associated increase in online media consumption, I am sure we can all agree that it is more important than ever for brands to remain relevant, to advertise in high-quality environments, and to strengthen their own market value.
By Daniela La Marca