- Category: October 2011
The email marketing relationship with your customers usually begins with the welcome message that is sent immediately after their registration, at a time, when the user has just expressed an interest in your business.
As the welcome message decisively shapes the perception of your company, it should be seen not only as a technical necessity, but you should make sure that you utilize its potential to the fullest. Take a look:Confirm your registration
Right at the beginning of the message you should confirm their registration, as this is the most important information for the reader. Take this opportunity to also thank them, at the same time, for their interest in your newsletter!
Personalization is a must
A personal salutation is standard today and definitely, should not be missing in your welcome message.
Pique curiosity
Write what the reader can expect in future newsletter issues. What can they look forward to read and why should they pay special attention to your newsletter?
Name a contact partner
The indication of contact information helps the user not only with an approach in case of questions or problems, but also emphasizes the personal impression.
Do not forget the unsubscribe link and imprint
Legally required links to the imprint and deregistration shouldn't be absent in the welcome message.
Gifts enhance the friendship
Small "give-aways" such as PDF downloads or gift coupons are an ideal instrument to increase the number of new registrations. For this purpose, place a notice of the gift prominently in your login page. The recipient then receives the coupon or the link to the PDF file with the welcome message.
Admission to their Address Book
If you are struggling with the problem of false positives, which means your newsletter is being wrongly rejected by spam filters, you should ask recipients to include your return address in their address book. This way you reduce the risk that your desired newsletter lands in their spam folder.
By Daniela La Marca