- Category: July 2010
New research on the usage habits of mobile data users in Asia, commissioned by Globys, a leading provider of contextual marketing solutions for the worldwide telecommunications market, revealed the unique value of select apps and other mobile value-added services (VAS) relative to other non-mobile channels.
The research indicates that users are gravitating toward using their mobile devices versus other information delivery channels to more efficiently obtain what they want, where and when they want it.
“Mobile isn’t like a PC experience where people sit down in front of their screens to consume meals of information. The unique value of apps and other value-added services is that they enable on the go ‘snacking’ of information,” said Duane Edwards, Senior Vice President of Globys. “What our research makes clear is that for a variety of activities in Asia like managing financial portfolios, wagering, and staying connected with friends and family, mobile is quickly becoming the preferred channel of engagement.”
Globys conducts research with early adopters of mobile data services in culturally distinct markets to augment the predictive models that help drive its contextual marketing platform. “What we’re looking for are disruptive services that convert behavior from one screen to another, and more specifically, those that address consumers’ needs for getting information on the fly,” said Edwards. “That’s how an operator knows it has a killer mobile app or VAS, one that offers real value when it is delivered in a contextual and highly relevant manner.”
Specifically Globys’ research in Asia identified:
- the details of how mobile apps and VAS get used in real life situations
- the occasions that matter in driving usage of these services
- which apps and VAS resonate in a specific market due to true cultural saliency
- and finally, the emotional and social stakes of getting real time information on mobile devices
The research findings reveal not just who certain mobile data services resonate with but where, when, and precisely why they are most valued. For instance, in Asia, mobile betting eliminates the stress of having to wait in queue on the phone or at a local track to place last minute bets as the odds are changing. What Globys’ research uncovered was the power of this particular service in Asia to outperform traditional channels for the management and placing of bets.
Betting apps are mostly accessed by blue collar men 30 – 60 years old on racing days just a few minutes before each race. The men mostly track odds, place bets, check results and manage their account funds. They prefer placing bets via their mobiles devices because it’s faster and more efficient, as compared to other methods, and provides an enhanced sense of control as it allows for bets to be made up until the very minute the race begins just as the odds are changing.
The data also looks at mobile Facebook and finance usage:
Mobile Facebook app is most compelling for young adults 18 – 30 years of age in the mornings at home just minutes after they wake up. Those accessing Facebook want to review news feeds and check on the status of replies and comments posted the night before. Users actually prefer to access Facebook on their phones at this time because it is easier and faster than a PC.
Finance apps are most compelling just before the stock market opens while commuting to work. Those accessing it are mostly active, but amateur, mid to long-term investors. They mostly check stock quotes and breaking financial news from overnight foreign market activity. Users seek the added sense of control that comes with tweaking orders from the night before, or submitting new ones based on the latest fluctuations in foreign markets.
By Globys (www.Globys.com)