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This position is generally more expensive than ‘below-
the-fold’ (BTF), but does not necessarily perform better.
The premium "Leaderboard" - a page wide banner that
is placed at the top above the actual content – for in-
stance, slips with the first scrolling immediately from the
visible area. Therefore, book ATF and BTF placements
and see which variant brings in better results for your
objectives. You can further optimize your performance
by targeted blacklisting and that way sort out inefficient
or undesirable publishers, or whitelist particularly effi- with general brand messages (branding) followed by
cient and appropriate settings. retargeting that offers concrete products. You can still
convince users who leave your shop before buying, by
3. Timing: offering a similar product of what they were looking for
earlier. Even first-time buyers and existing customers
Industry-Specific can be motivated to a repeated purchase through intel-
ligent retargeting with complementary products. How-
In programmatic buying it is all about the right timing as ever, don’t forget the frequency capping, which means
well, because the shopping behavior varies in some limiting how often every single user will see one of your
cases considerably depending on time and day. For banners. Especially in retargeting, too many ad media
instance, usually less advertising is delivered on week- contacts annoy the user and create unnecessary addi-
ends, but shows that the click-through rate is significant- tional costs.
ly higher. The reason is most probably that many users
surf from home at that time, with real buying interest By the way, online display advertising is usually kind of
and not - between two job duties - from the office. Ac- underestimated by advertisers, as the previously most
cordingly, customer journey analyzes confirm that the widely used attribution, such as the "last click model",
conversion rate and sales on Sundays is the highest, doesn’t attach enough value and effect to this primary
but that the surfing and purchasing behavior varies brand-building and purchase assistive channel. To
greatly depending on industry and product category. It make clever marketing decisions, you should therefore
means that it can make a huge difference if you sell not only optimize your display campaigns, but also con-
goods within the same industry in a mid-price category sider how you can always measure and estimate the
or in the luxury segment. The latter e.g. is bought more performance of the channels used.
often during the day and week – to find the right timing
for your industry and product category, you should A possible solution here is the dynamic attribution. It
therefore track your channels holistically and merge the uncovers cross-channel effects in the customer jour-
data collected at a central location. That way, you can ney, instead of just statically considering the position of
understand better how your customers tick and when at advertising contacts. With this measurement method
which touchpoints in the purchase process which dis- you get reliable data to embed programmatic buying
play campaign work best. best in your cross-channel strategy and to achieve the
optimum effect for all of your marketing campaigns in
4. Targeting: the overall interaction.

Individual Furthermore, it is increasingly used not only for efficient
retargeting, but also for branding campaigns and the
Keep in mind that the theme of the advertising material acquisition of new customers. Brands that aren’t or
must be in line with the customer. With an intelligent can’t deploy wide-reaching media like television or out-
banner generator, that can compose text and image door for their campaigns, hold the online display adver-
designs dynamically, you can theoretically show each tising dear - especially to generate attention and trigger
user individually tailored advertising - bespoke to cus- subsequent conversions with a positive brand percep-
tomers’ interests and content-tailored to their stage of tion, for example via branded search engine advertising
the buying process. If you want to drive new Internet or the direct input of the branded URL.◊
users to your site that have not yet had contact with
your advertising materials (the so-called prospecting or By Daniela La Marca
prospect targeting), a combination of designs is useful -

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