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Marketing sector demand across

Southeast Asia still fluctuating:

All markets register negative annual growth

There is an obvious hype around the term “Digital that the digital transformation creates new business
Transformation” for quite some time now and it starts opportunities, new markets and new competitive situa-
to become a kind of catchword for almost anything as- tions. Only with improved processes and IT systems,
sociated with our new connected, social media oriented companies can meet these challenges, which is why
world. Product Information Management (PIM) systems are
integrated into the IT landscape to support existing sys-
The term refers to the changes associated with the ap- tems when addressing the challenges.
plication of digital technology in all aspects of human
society, and points out that digital usages inherently Besides “Digital Transformation” the following trends
enable new types of innovation and creativity in a par- are in our opinion worth to keep an eye on as well in
ticular domain, rather than just simply enhancing and 2016:
supporting the traditional methods.
 Internationality and Globalization: In 2016, the
expansion on international markets will continue to
Due to the digital business transformation and the asso-
ciated fusion of markets in particular, the pressure to play a huge role in many enterprises, making a mul-
act is growing. Companies have to realize the oppor- tilingual product information a prerequisite for a
tunity for change of business and distribution models to globalization strategy. An important success factor
meet the circumstances of the time and face the fact is here again the speed, efficiency and quality of the
data. A PIM system helps to control and manage
26 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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