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10 ‚Golden Rules‘ for programmatic

media buying‘

Spree7, a digital media consulting and programmatic 1. Avoid package bookings: Seemingly cheap pack-
implementation firm that has been acquired by Media- age solutions, run-on-network bookings, or non-
Math end of last year, published ‘10 Golden Rules’ for transparent URLs offer more gateways for fraud than
programmatic media buying any marketer should keep in bookings, whose origin is clearly identifiable and
mind. based on an individual item level. It should always be
possible to verify placement, frequency and duration
Especially, since there is just as much risk of fraud in of controlled advertising materials..
online marketing as in the conventional media planning. 2. Involve digital security experts: There are by now
The risk, however, can be reduced most reliably when highly specialized providers for programmatic cam-
the full value chain is made transparent. paigns that check commercials automatically based

on quality, context and visibility. And it really pays off
Programmatic campaign planning, and in particular the to invest in quality: Providers, such as e.g. Integral
rapid developments in data collection and processing, Ad Science, identify bots and block suspicious ad-
make digital purchase strategies seem to be non- vertisements automatically before they are traded.
transparent at first glance. But the developed complexity
poses for advertisers at least as many opportunities as 3. Apply manual planning deliberately: Media plans,
challenges, as the technology allows to optimize auto- on the basis of programmatic advertising technology,
mated campaigns more detailed with defined tools. are not created in a completely automated way. As
the first step, the inventory that’s suitable for book-
Here are Spree7’s useful "10 Golden Rules" for a quality- ings should be defined by traders and analysts. Fur-
focused, programmatic purchase: ther, planning tools support programmatic experts a
priori in minimizing inventory of minor value or non-
human traffic. The technology itself is a planning and
28 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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