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The role of design and creativity in

times of programmatic advertising

Programmatic ads are booming for good reason. The 20 years after the pioneering online advertising cam-
automated digital brand staging steadily grows in im- paign, the information and advertising flood a user is
portance in the marketing mix. The average consumer is exposed to has scaled up multiple times. More and
exposed to 7,000 different marketing messages a day more banners in various sizes and styles change the
and, unlike a few years ago, the attention span is by user behavior.
now down to an average of eight seconds.
Programmatic marketing is here a kind of good solu-
Hans J. Even, Managing Director of TWT Interactive, tion, as only those who positively stand out from the
shows how companies retain the attention of their cus- crowd may lead the user to the desired click or conver-
tomers even in times of smartphone and information sion.
overload with the help of good design.
Small space, big idea
In 1994, the world’s first online banner ads ran on the
screen under the URL, which was a land- Actually, programmatic advertising is a must-have this
ing page of the American company AT&T. The "You year, but it has to reach the right user, at the right time,
Will" campaign hardly worked with creation, but with text on the right device. In the US, around 80% of market
and technology eventually. The banners had a CTR of participants already make use of programmatic market-
over 70%, which is a value marketers can nowadays ing, whereby the creativity is rather secondary - com-
only dream off. pared to large out-of-home campaigns – as the small-
area formats are quite limited.

34 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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