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IAB Programmatic Fee Transparency

Calculator calibrates ROI from technology,

services, data and media costs

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) just released ers to reach consumers individually across all address-
the IAB Programmatic Fee Transparency Calculator, a able media channels – social, display, search, video,
first-of-its-kind tool that advertisers, agencies and pub- mobile, connected TV - in a scalable, automated and
lishers can use to analyze the costs of ad technologies optimal way, resulting in greater ROI for the advertiser
and services that are commonly applied within program- and a more relevant experience for the consumer.
matic executions.
IAB’s tool asks users to enter planning rates and budg-
“This calculator will be invaluable to both buyers and ets by channel and select then the ad technologies that
sellers in understanding the anatomy of a programmatic are being applied, be it campaign management, de-
ad request or response,” said Joe Laszlo, Vice Presi- mand-side platform (DSP) technology, pre-bid or post-
dent, Industry Initiatives, IAB. “The programmatic eco- bid evaluation.
system is diverse, complex and fast-changing. Clarity
around processes and intermediaries is critical, if we’re Once that information is entered, the overall cost of the
going to drive further growth for the programmatic mar- ad technology layers and their percentage share of the
ketplace.” effective CPM gets calculated.
Marketers who employ programmatic technology are
Indeed, programmatic changed the way digital media is able to drive business results by uncovering what influ-
purchased and created a more efficient way for advertis- ences conversions along the consumer journey through
algorithmic attribution.
32 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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