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Four ‘must-haves’ for optimal

programmatic buying campaigns

Programmatic represents the culmination of decades of stands and falls with an eye-catching design of the ban-
innovation in data technology and addressable media, ner. Therefore, go for clarity of content with little text
and you just have to make sure now that your program- and use a strong call to action. Further, make sure that
matic buying strategy unfolds with the maximum effect. your product and your brand can be seen immediately.
For many advertisers, programmatic buying is the way Do not just listen to your gut feeling, but perform A / B
to go and in fact digital advertising space is bought and testing for different banner designs to identify the most
purchased more and more by auction via respective successful creation. A click on your promotional materi-
online marketplaces or platforms in real-time. al should also not lead prospects to your website, but
on a product- or campaign-oriented landing page that
Asian eMarketing recommends to consider the approach makes a purchase as simple as possible. When de-
of Frank Rauchfuß, CEO of intelliAd, who highlights in signing the banner, consider the standard formats (for
one of his articles four “must-haves” for yield-optimized example, medium rectangle) the Interactive Advertising
programmatic buying campaigns. Although smart tech- Bureau (IAB) defined, as you need reach and special
nology and fast computing capacity are the main fea- advertising formats are still making the exception in
tures of programmatic buying, he holistically points out Programmatic Advertising.
that the key success factor is still the human being,
therefore providing the following tips: 2. Visibility:

1. Banner design: Above-The-Fold (ATF) & Below-The-Fold (BTF)

Clear and direct! Simple, but creative! Speaking of placement, many marketers count in pro-
grammatic buying only on a playout of advertising
Whether and how long banners are looked at depends ‘above-the-fold’ (ATF) - which means the space that is
mainly on the design quality. Your campaign's success immediately visible when the page loads.

30 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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