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purchasing mechanism that does what the conceptu- 7. Retain control of your data: Data is the gold of
al designer predefines and the additional value is cre- each campaign, valuable for current and future cam-
ated by creative designers and optimizers. paigns and expensive in the collection. Accordingly,
it is crucial to be able to use the data obtained exclu-
4. Focus on global technology with local expertise:
Global scalable solutions with broad available inven- sively as a competitive advantage and use technolo-
tory and data offer a maximum range of commercials gy independently.
and auctions. Connected local vendors then add the 8. Assess direct contacts properly: Fast and good
human expertise a high-quality programmatic cam- customer service is the lifeblood for time-critical bug
paign should not go without and the technology pro- fixes, as well as technical standards and content
vider should be able to demonstrate that offers can support. Therefore, consider that providers who offer
be continuously enhanced and be open-minded only anonymous email support, generally can’t meet
about the integration of external tools. the concerns of many advertisers.

5. Choose open technology: For campaigns that want 9. Dense knowledge updates have priority: Market-
to live up to holistic expectations, the number of tech- ing technologies are developing rapidly and demand
nology attainable channels - such as display, mobile, much more from those in charge of digital marketing
video, or social media and special advertising forms than before. In order to line-up campaigns close to
(such as e.g. Native Advertising), are highly relevant. the reality of the consumer, it is worth to invest in
Therefore, stay tuned on trends and continuously ex- meshed knowledge updates regarding digital market-
pand your offers. A handful of providers, for instance, ing.
even started already to combine channels such as 10.Self-service of media buying as a development
print –formerly not able to be automated - with pro-
option: Some advertisers are already investing
grammatic purchasing platforms.
heavily with the aim to manage campaigns in-house
6. Demand and use a high transparency level: Mar- or for training of their CMOs and COOs. Companies
keting decision-makers can expect to get informed in that pursue such a plan should check therefore,
detail by the agencies and internal experts on every when considering a programmatic service, if the pos-
link in the programmatic value chain. The usual sus- sibility of a self-service solution is offered in addition
pects involved are a media agency, a technical sup- to the campaign management.◊
plier, an inventory aggregator and, at the end of the
chain, the owner of the inventory. On request, it By Daniela La Marca
should be possible to gain knowledge from every ad-
vertising delivery, each data segment, inserted target-
ing, or used tool.

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