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P. 35


Programmatic per se merely refers to the nature of the Both advertising media are combined graphically and
delivery of a message, but not the style. textual. Thus, the tandem ad receives diverse design
possibilities and a good story can be told in a small
Good creation and automation do not have space, besides click-through rates that even increase.
Different banner sizes can be linked so that an exciting
to be mutually exclusive
storytelling is achieved even in the smallest space.

Studies show that so-called ‘Ad Bundle’ bookings per- Creation is one of the key factors determining the suc-
form better than the booking of individual banners, as cess of advertising and is like technology subject to a
they provide the opportunity to be more creative in kind of evolution: It is becoming increasingly difficult to
reaching the users. attract attention, hence, the more creative the ad, the

higher the chances to get attention. Rest assured that
But what exactly means "creation" when only the size of through creative banner advertising in times of pro-
a matchbox or palm is available? Creativity in banner grammatic advertising, it is possible to increase your
form can be supported by GIFs, videos or HTML5. KPIs significantly, attract new customers and increase
Technologically, this can be especially supported by sales.◊
tandem ads, which is the combination of two forms of By Daniela La Marca
advertising such as super banner and skyscrapers or
layer ad and skyscraper.

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