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As a result, this should improve trust and increase li-
quidity in the marketplace, which will provide a healthier
ecosystem for all buyers and sellers.”

Indeed, a better understanding of the fees each party
incurs should allow for greater pricing transparency
across the supply chain.

Therefore, initiatives like the ‘IAB Programmatic Fee
Transparency Calculator’ will definitely be appreciated
by all those interested in calibrating ROI from technolo-
gy, services, data and media costs.

That way, programmatic does not only allow for better
Again, IAB proves to stand in the forefront of develop-
ROI optimization over time, but gives in general a ing technical standards and best practices on interac-
broader understanding of the consumers and insights in tive advertising, while at the same time educating
what influences them along their path. brands, agencies and the wider business community on
the importance of digital marketing.
“There is a plethora of technology services available to
support programmatic buying and selling,” said Jason To use the IAB
White, General Manager and Vice President, Program-
Programmatic Fee
matic Revenue, CBS Interactive, and Co-Chair of the Transparency
IAB Programmatic Council. “Some refer to the misun- Calculator, go to
derstood fees associated with services as the ‘ad tech◊
tax.’ It’s time we cut through the confusion, dispel the
misnomer of ‘ad tech tax,’ and help practitioners on both
sides of the fence manage and appreciate these valua-

ble assets.
By MediaBUZZ

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