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the country-specific product data by doing transla- How efficient the impact of product communication
tions partly automated and workflow-controlled, be- in different markets will be, will be seen over time.
sides maintaining the accuracy of the data.
Whatever your point of view, be aware that networking
 Individualization: Prospects and customers expect is of the essence in business management and inevita-
more and more an individualized and differentiated bly leads to change. It is just not always immediately
form of address - specifically tailored to each situa- obvious where it takes place and what the consequenc-
tion - whereby the product communication plays an es will be. Figuring this out is in fact the true challenge
important role for sales success. PIM systems pro- and we hope we will be able to spur on your train of
vide the ability to address different target groups in a thoughts, by having chosen “Digital Transformation” as
distinguished way, regardless of the touchpoint. the main topic for Asian eMarketing this February.◊

 Omnichannel Commerce: Driven by digitization, By MediaBUZZ
the number of customer contact points will rise in
2016 and the years to come. PIM systems are here
again the solution, providing the ability to manage
data centrally and media-neutral, besides coping
with the rising complexity efficiently.

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