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Programmatic Marketing

takes customers by the hand…

Programmatic is currently one of the hottest marketing The message sent is then not only a hint into one direc-
buzzwords, for some simple reasons, however, illustrat- tion, but a concrete offer to help. Maybe you know, for
ing at the same the dilemma of well-known methods. If instance, a contact person on-site with whom the con-
earlier, in the less complex marketing times, the largest sumer gets a discount when mentioning your name?
gathering of people meant the greatest potential for ad- Programmatic Marketing takes the customer by the
vertising, it is today all about individual's interest. In the hand. It doesn’t intend to sell, but wants to help in the
big data-driven, sophisticated marketing world, Program- first place, that way laying a good foundation for the
matic Advertising wants no more and no less than serve customer journey. With the programmatic approach you
the customer perfectly by addressing the individual in are an invisible companion of the customer on his way
the proper context - hence avoiding wastage. to a purchase. And that’s how you are perceived: as an
unobtrusive assistant, not an annoying salesman.
… is an unobtrusive assistant, not an an-
noying salesman… … and fully automated

Programmatic Marketing takes customers by the hand, While Programmatic Advertising of course still needs
which a small metaphor could probably illustrate best: capable marketers, who set up and evaluate cam-
Let’s assume a customer roams in the digital desert, but paigns, the actual process must be conducted by ma-
he knows his destination - even though he might not chines. The large amount of data and the bidding pro-
know exactly how he gets there, what it looks like, or cess on advertising space in a matter of seconds
whether it is even desirable. In the past, marketers makes automation inevitable. It is a paradox that we
would have shown such a customer something and can only understand when we join forces with comput-
claim “That’s what you need!” – completely independent ers. That’s the only way how the modern marketing
of the roamer’s intention. The programmatic approach, world can imitate the successful concept of the big
however, is different and always starts with the observa- players like Google, Apple or Amazon. Automation is
tion phase: Who is that person and what does he/she the real reason why Programmatic Marketing is effec-
want? Programmatic always tries to figure out the desti- tive and consequently unstoppable. It manages not on-
nation of the roamer, the concerns and character of the ly to see and understand the customer, but to crawl into
consumer. When sufficient data is collected, a pro-active his brain.◊
approach follows – directly and personally. By Daniela La Marca
36 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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