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The data found that Chinese travelers originate mainly -time, based on digital conversations. This provides
from China’s Tier 1 cities, including Shanghai and Bei- significant cost efficiencies, with up to date findings.
jing. The two cities have the highest incomes in the With Natural Language Processing, 6Estates’ engine
country, demonstrating that travelers are likely affluent. also filters content to provide relevant information, im-
portant in the Chinese language where each character
According to the China National Tourism Association, can have many different meanings,” said Mr Chin.
120 million Chinese travelled abroad in 2015, a 19.5% As consumers increasingly log online to search for in-
year-on-year increase and nearly 13 times the level in formation before purchasing, a wealth of data is obvi-
1998. A report by Fung Business Intelligence Centre ously being created and at the disposal of brands and
and China Luxury Advisors states that Chinese tourist businesses. 6Estates’ research showcases that while
overseas expenditures are expected to have reached making clear that any collection of data is useless with-
US$229 billion in 2015. out proper analysis.◊

Key findings based on 300,000 online conversations Source: 6Estates
6Estates bridges the gap of data collection and analysis with Auto-
“6Estates technology changes research about Chinese mated Marketing Intelligence (AMI) that both extracts and analyses
consumers. Traditional research in a population of some real-time consumer discussions, providing companies with intimate
knowledge of their customers for more effective outreach. The Singa-
1.4 billion people is expensive, slow and rapidly out of pore-based technology company provides real-time insights into con-
date. Our automated tools extract insights in almost real sumer behaviour and is a spin-off from NExT, a joint research centre
between NUS and Tsinghua University, focusing on data and social
media analytics.

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