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6Estates reveals valuable insights into

real-time conversations and sentiments

about what attracts Chinese travelers to

a country, destination and product

Real-time insights into holiday agendas, brand percep- Chinese traveler in all four countries.
tions and preferences of Chinese travelers going to the • They also intend to shop at luxury brands Hermès,
US, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore have been iden- Chanel and Estée Lauder in at least three of the coun-
tified in a study by digital insights firm 6Estates. tries studied.

The data was extracted from nearly 300,000 online con- “We were able to pinpoint top destinations within each
versations in China and analyzed with Natural Lan- country, valuable information for tourism boards and
guage Processing (NLP), algorithms that accurately retailers targeting tourists. In Japan for example we
process authentic conversations in English and Chi- worked with one of the country’s leading advertising
nese, providing more accurate context to the discus- agencies to find out where Chinese tourists travelled to,
sions. and what they were saying about their experiences.
With the findings, it will be possible to develop more
For brands and companies seeking to capture the targeted tourism campaigns that speak directly to the
US$229 billion outbound Chinese retail spend, this re- Chinese audience,” said 6Estates CEO and Co-
search offers valuable insights into real-time conversa- Founder, Mr Gary Chin.
tions and sentiments about what attracts Chinese trav-
elers to a country, destination and product. Mr Chin continued, “We also found that the Chinese
traveler is looking for local brands: In the US, they talk
• The research shows that most intend to travel to the about Coach, in Singapore it is Charles & Keith, Sasa
US, with 46% of conversations about America, followed in Hong Kong and Uniqlo in Japan. Singapore was the
by Japan (26%), Hong Kong (21%) and Singapore only country where food was a hot topic among travel-
(5%). ers, with local barbecued pork delicacy brand Bee
Cheng Hiang among the top brands Chinese travelers
• Luxury goods, cosmetics, clothing and watches were talked about.”
identified as key product categories for the outbound
24 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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