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able ad market in the world - and it continues grow- shows that Android eCPMs are projected to pull
ing at a healthy clip - China experienced a mobile ad even with those of iOS as early as Q4 2016.
spend uplift of 1,246% in Q4 2015, which is by far the Smaato serves up 10 billion ads each day, across one
largest observed on the Smaato platform. In fact, billion mobile devices each month, and works with
Smaato even predicts that China will pull even with 90,000 mobile app developers and publishers. The
the U.S. as the world’s biggest advertising market on Global Trends in Mobile Advertising Report reflects the
the Smaato platform by 2018.
detailed activity and trends that have developed over
 Apps continue to dominate mobile websites in the fourth quarter of 2015 across Smaato’s global base
terms of global ad spend: In APAC, in-app share of publishers, advertisers and users.◊
grew from 51% to 77% in Q4 2015.
By MediaBUZZ
 Android’s eCPM growth rate was much stronger
than that of iOS during Q4 2015. Smaato’s data

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