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Free, unlimited, built-in VPN service in

Opera desktop browser

A free, no-log, easy-to-use Virtual Private Network log service, which means neither Opera nor SurfEasy
(VPN) is from now on available directly in the will store any information about a user's browsing histo-
Opera desktop browser. With this launch, Opera is ry.
the first major browser to release a built-in VPN
"We know that people are concerned about their privacy
online and that the interest for VPN is increasing,"
"If people knew how the Internet truly works, I believe Kolondra continues. "However, two major obstacles are
they all would use a VPN," says Krystian Kolondra, blocking people from using it: VPNs are too complicated
SVP of Opera browser for computers. "By making our to use, and they require a monthly subscription. Opera
browser VPN free and easy to use, we hope to make it resolves both issues by introducing its free and easy-to-
an essential tool, just as the lock and key is to your use service right into the browser."

When turned on, Opera's VPN creates a secure con- You can download the Opera browser here.
nection to one of Opera's five server locations around
the world. The VPN lets people choose where to ap- After downloading the Opera for computers browser,
pear on the Internet, giving their online privacy and enabling VPN is easy.
security a boost while making content easier to ac-
cess.  Go to Settings (or “Preferences” on Mac).
 Choose “Privacy & Security” and then toggle the
People can also let the Opera browser intelligently se- free VPN on.
lect the optimal server location based on factors such  An icon labeled “VPN” will appear in the browser to
as network speed, latency, location and server capaci- the left of the address field, from which you can ac-
ty. When in automatic location mode, browsing through tivate the VPN and choose your preferred location.
the VPN is always at maximum available speed.
In case you need help, feel free to watch the VPN in
The browser VPN feature – powered by Opera subsidi- Opera browser video.◊
ary, SurfEasy – utilizes a secure 256-bit AES encrypt- By MediaBUZZ
ed connection to the VPN virtual locations and is a no-

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