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Natural language and question words facts, or instructions.
Google is therefore increasingly trying to give “direct
Unlike search queries, that are entered as text in search answers" to voice-activated searches, instead of offer-
engines and steadily got shorter and more generic, ing the user only links that can help to search for a con-
whole sentences are generally used in "Voice Search"
which often start with question words. SEO experts crete answer. In a recent study of 850,000 queries,
Google found that almost 20% of these questions were
therefore have to find out first of all what the users are answered with direct answers.
looking for on the site and how they could answer their
question when optimizing the webpage and the content. To be found in the Google index with such direct an-
If questions are properly asked via "Voice Search", the
answers can be easily picked up by Google in the FAQs swers, SEO experts have again to make sure that the
content of the page gives an immediate answer to spe-
and preferentially displayed in the search results, provid- cific questions. However, content alone is often insuffi-
ed the content is relevant. Ideally, the content sounds cient in direct answers. The domain authority plays a
authentic, which in turn will be positively considered by major role as well to be generally in the running for di-
rect answers in search engines. Despite the relatively
larger effort in the optimization, each SEO manager
Another added value is offered by online forums, where should consider to optimize websites for "Voice
customers have the opportunity to receive direct an- Search" already today, since traffic coming from voice-
swers to their questions. In fact, the customer actively controlled search is regarded as promising and ex-
helps with content, e.g. creates the FAQs, which can be
used by Google later as a relevant answer in the search pected to gain ground in any event.

results. Furthermore, the involvement of the user is eval- In a nutshell it becomes clear that features like "Voice
uated positively by Google and contributes to a better Search" cause Google and other search engines to
ranking in the search results – thus, killing two birds with strive more for better performance and providing the
one stone.
best possible search results. Google continues to place
increasing emphasis on content and sites that are opti-
Google's "Direct Answers"
mized to user behavior, trying to give the most accu-
rate, most direct and simply best response to their
"Voice Search" has the purpose to answer a question “Voice Search" query, while providing authentic con-
efficiently and is often closely associated with multitask- tent.
ing. According to a Google study, people use "Voice
Search", for example while cooking or watching TV. "Voice Search" has complemented the usual bullet-
Hence, the majority of voice-enabled searches has the point style search behavior of users to search queries
purpose to answer an immediate question, such as in the form of long-tail keywords and complete ques-
searching for a restaurant or shop in the nearby area. tions. For SEO experts, the immediate solution is there-
fore a natural content, that is linguistically adapted to
Besides, the voice-operated search serves the rapid the potential users, and FAQ strategies that provide
information gathering, for example the research of data, rapid and targeted answers.◊

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