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About the impact of voice-controlled

search on SEO

Since mobile devices are used more than desktop in- Semantic context
terfaces by now, mobile optimization has become a
prerequisite for a successful internet presence in any Since the Hummingbird update in 2013, semantic context
industry. A feature that is not to be underestimated in is gaining in importance whereas a mere keyword optimi-
terms of search engine optimization is therefore voice- zation slowly takes a back seat. Fact is that Google grad-
controlled search or "Voice Search". ually tries to understand the semantic context to deliver
the best possible and most appropriate results.
With Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Google
Now, the big players seem to be already gripped by The more context Google can find on a specific topic
voice-operated search. According to Google, especial- online, the better the content of this page can be under-
ly young people are using this new type of search in- stood and its relevance for the query of the user deter-
creasingly, the more surprises that many SEO experts mined.
have missed out on the "Voice Search" optimization to
date. Search engines learn to understand the intention and
semantics behind a "Voice Search" and recognize and
However, since the tendency towards the use of voice- identify better and better what exactly a user is looking
controlled searches is rising, it is assumed that "Voice for.
Search" will affect the SEO fundamentally. Although
Google (still) doesn’t punish pages that are not "Voice Logically, the bounce rate plays a bigger part here as
Search"- optimized, an appropriate early optimization well, since it is a kind of indicator if a website answers
will definitely have a positive impact in the long-term. the question of a user (or not), making the landing page
relevance for "Voice Search” more important. Conse-
But, what exactly should be taken into consideration quently, filling a website exclusively with unrelated key-
(and what actions) to successfully optimize websites words, makes generally no sense regarding voice-
for the increasing number of voice-activated inquiries? controlled search. Rather, content should be designed
Well, here are some hints:
for the target group and be adapted to their style of
34 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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