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Enterprise Search as business

driver and companion

Whether a company wants to improve customer service, the interfaces are too complex or technical; not to men-
increase the efficiency of marketing activities or its com- tion that there is a lack of self-service components,
petitive advantage in a world in which customers and allowing users to drive evaluations independently with-
their needs are increasingly becoming the focus of stra- out the need of a specialist.
tegic business considerations, sending the right data to
the right person at the right time is essential.
Moreover, the exponential growth of unstructured data
is a major hurdle for the traditional tools that struggle
That’s why analysis and reporting tools, such as Busi- with data that is stuck in various formats such as text
ness Intelligence (BI), are high on the agenda when it documents, emails, PDFs, social media, websites, vid-
comes to a company’s software initiatives. The term eo or audio file formats. Such ‘unstructured data’
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to procedures and pro- couldn’t be used so far for analyzes and predictions,
cesses for systematic analysis, collection, evaluation and but hold deep knowledge and therefore enormous po-
presentation of data in electronic form to gain insights tential that was wasted till now.
that enable better operative and strategic decisions with
regard to the company's goals, whereby a search-driven
approach aims to optimize your business. Business Intelligence meets Big Data

Hence, it is obvious that it makes sense to merge the Modern enterprise search technologies, such as Mind-
strengths of BI and Big Data to meet the particularities of breeze, make a Big Data Search possible that is de-
an end customer-centric strategy. In the case of use of signed to manage the fast data growth sustainably and
an Enterprise Big Data Search system this is called can process the collected data in high speed. The Big
"Search-driven Business Intelligence". Data Search can not only prepare structured but also
unstructured data in a way that they are available to
To see the benefits clearly, let’s take a look at the big- the enterprise-wide knowledge management at any
gest challenges of traditional BI solutions: Even special- time. The strengths of both worlds - business intelli-
ists take days to generate a report; for most end users, gence and big data - merge to meet the particularities
of an end customer-centric strategy.
28 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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