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 Don’t get lost in the

vastness of the Internet

The problem on the Internet, as well as in many organ- This “platform of platforms” wants to redesign how peo-
izations, is that valuable information is nowadays bur- ple and organizations interact with online content by
ied under a pile of noise, there is a lack of overview, providing clear overviews of what is worthwhile and
and information is scattered over millions of websites. what is noise, ultimately helping people save time by
enabling quick access to the most relevant information
In the past two decades, a gigantic ensemble of bil- on specific topics.
lions of webpages, articles and videos has been creat-
ed that makes it difficult to quickly see what’s really It can be looked at as the next phase of evolution in the
relevant on a specific topic and what’s worth your time. content-sharing and interaction sphere, pushing beyond
the hard-to-navigate lists of links on sites like Reddit, or
The Dutch startup intends to bring a the fusty encyclopedia structure of wikis. Powered by
change, by facilitating structured, topical platforms for the wisdom of the crowd, enables a visually
online communities and organizations to help people engaging, dynamic, organized world of information,
worldwide share, curate, discuss, structure and discov- where quality and relevance rule.
er more relevant information.
Untangle the Internet…
The officially launch of has been on Sep-
tember 21st and intends to facilitate now platforms on
virtually any topic. In fact, already before the official “In this age of information overload, structured platforms
launch, has been providing platforms on allowing experts and the crowd to curate and filter infor-
topics such as Food security (for a UN-organization), mation are key”, founder Wim Korevaar
Startups (for the Dutch Chamber of Commerce) and highlights, who got the idea for the platform out of his
the Zika virus. The platforms connect experts and the frustration that too much time is spent on low-quality
crowd and enable them to share, organize, discuss information and indeed not even good search algo-
and rank the most relevant information on these topics. rithms seem to be the silver bullet and his approach
might be a solution.
32 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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