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Go for video optimization as it scores

higher and higher in SEO

Whether instruction manuals, scientific or entertaining Actually, YouTube is the driving force that pushes vid-
video content, high-quality online videos are in general eo optimization into the limelight of users and search
well received and consequently favored by search en- engines. If your company is already using YouTube, or
gines. Actually, good synergies in SEO can be generated is planning to do so in the near future, your video con-
when combining the pure upload to video sharing sites tent should therefore be optimally prepared from an
like YouTube or Vimeo with an intelligent linking of the editorial point of view. The following tips might be use-
website. But the best is that no big budget is needed to ful for your video arrangements:
influence SEO-relevant metrics positively, as:

 Create a comprehensive keyword concept for
 Websites that embed videos into their content strate- your video content so that it gets easily found.
gy get significantly more traffic than websites that Performance figures like search volume of a key-
depict just pure text. word play a role as well as the competitive situa-
tion. Ideally, you should prepare the keyword con-

 Embedding of experiential, product, and instructional cept before you start with the video creation and
videos can have a positive effect on the dwell time: keep in mind that it is often useful to tackle 2- or 3-
With the integration of a video, users are animated to word combinations, too.
look at the content more in detail, consequently the  The selected keyword should ideally come first
dwell time increases and the bounce rate decreases. in the title of the video. The optimal title covers
around 60 characters, including spaces, since
 Moving images are doing particularly well on social longer titles are cut off by the search engine with
networks, like Facebook or Instagram, where they "...".
get shared, commented and liked, hence, setting all  The description field should possibly contain a
positive social signal that keep SEO in good stead. detailed text that describes the content of the vid-
Not to mention the wide reach: Especially on Face- eo with around 1000 characters. Make sure that
book more users can be reached with video content the selected keyword appears in the text as well as
than with purely editorial posts. theme-relevant terminology. A reference to the
website, e.g. on a topic-related subpage, is also a
26 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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