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“We want to find an overview of the best on X, the best sion for politics, sports, culture, or anything else” the
on Y, the best on Z, in a matter of seconds. While there founder explicates.
is a great deal of valuable information everywhere on
the Internet, there is also a lot of noise. We wanted to Users and organizations can register platforms on the
empower experts of all kinds to unite, create structured topics they feel most passionate about. All it takes is
community platforms, to filter the information, and find choosing a subdomain name (, for
the best content for each topic”, Korevaar explains. example) and a topic.

Powered by the wisdom of the crowd, the Once people are invited on the platform, they can start
platforms ensure users find information worth their atten- sharing, organizing, and ranking web content related to
tion--even if they are relatively new to the subject. “If you the topic. As content is added, users can curate, decid-
know precisely what you’re looking for--a particular blog ing what’s worthwhile by upvoting or downvoting the
post or product, say--use a search engine. If you want to content.
stay in touch with friends and family, a social network is
perfect. But if you’re looking for a place to discover, or- “In the end, we believe that not a single person, a sin-
ganize, and discuss the best on a specific topic, then the gle company, or a single algorithm can organize all platforms will help you put it all together and content online and determine the best on a specific top-
separate the wheat from the chaff,” Korevaar states. ic, but together we can,” Korevaar concludes. “It’s excit-
ing to see this vision becoming a reality.”

… connect the dots There are two flavors for’s structured, com-
munity platforms. Basic platforms are free, include
The most characteristic feature is the platform’s naviga- branding, and are open and fully democrat-
tion. Via the platform’s navigation structure, users can ic. The other, for organizations and corporations, pro-
filter away uninteresting information and home in on the vides more customization, branding, and advanced
subtopic that most interests them. When browsing, us- moderation features, for a fee. Nonetheless, all plat-
ers see the best-related content, all shared and ranked forms have the same goal: Facilitate the discovery, or-
by other users. The more people contribute, the better ganization, and ranking of relevant information on spe-
the quality of the platform becomes. “If there’s no plat- cific topics.◊
form on the topic you care about, you can register your By Daniela La Marca
own, and connect a community which shares your pas-

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