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Enterprise Search, the practice of making content from
Such a ‘search-driven BI’ solution is e.g. the Mindbreeze multiple enterprise-type sources searchable to a de-
InSpire Appliance, that provides business decision- fined audience, seems to meet the demands of the digi-
makers or department heads the following advantages, tal transformation in many ways: First, the technology
besides the ultrafast processing of unstructured data: provides a stronger networking within the company as
well as with partners and customers. On the other
hand, Enterprise Search supports companies in bene-
 Self-service BI: The search approach is so easy
that even nontechnical end users can autonomously fitting from the increased networking advantages by the
independently of the IT department perform analyz- distributed data using semantic processes which under-
es and create reports. This abundance of smart, stand the importance of information, and automated
highly automated and easy to use features allows and intelligently connects them to new units of mean-
that even laymen can use BI to get a 360-degree ing, turning raw data into knowledge.
view of markets and consumers that helps them to
improve customer service, increase the efficiency of Hence, a search-driven business intelligence approach
marketing activities, or in general the competitive has many advantages: The time required by many pro-
advantage, whereby the data flow can be configured cesses is reduced enormously by the many intelligent,
in a way that the employees receive precisely the highly automated and easy to use features. The crea-
information they need for making their decisions. tion of reports by a few specialists is omitted because
each user himself can generate a report with a search.
Even the complexity of the operation decreases with
 Machine or rather Deep Learning: Enterprise Machine- and Deep Learning, and decision makers,
Search scores with semantic search, which means department heads, and experts get hold of an easy-to-
that the recognized context gets included in the use technology.
analysis and structuring of the data. The longer the
system is in use, the easier the detection of correla- For sure, the process optimization by Enterprise
Search and the all-encompassing networking via the
 Queries do not follow a rigid scheme that has to Internet of Things will increase the IQ of your company:
be learned, but can be formulated in natural lan- You provide employees with the right knowledge at the
guage, like in a web search engine. right time in the right place, so that a significant im-
 The data stays where generated although more provement in efficiency can be achieved. Enterprise
than 450 connectors ensure that the different data Search generates a panoramic view of the customer,
sources and file formats can be integrated into the consequently improving the interaction and customer
analysis. loyalty. ◊
By Daniela La Marca

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