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positive signal. If you lodge a link in the description up content properties and enabling actions where
field of the video and the URL is short, it is advisable relevant. This makes it eligible for inclusion in rich
to place the link at the beginning of the text, as it will snippets, including thumbnails of videos in the
then be already clickable in the video overview of SERPs. For some content types, it allows users to
the YouTube search result page. engage directly with your content right from Search.
If videos are embedded on the website, for exam-
 Tags should be keywords that are related to the ple on product subpages, the moving image should
video, but in addition general tags describing the be tagged accordingly. Google itself supports and
company should be provided as well. Around 5-6 recommends the OnPage markup of,
tags that go into the content of the video and 4-5 where numerous data of the video can be stored,
business-related tags are recommended. starting from thumbnail up to the duration and de-
scription. A detailed list of the tags can be viewed
directly on
 Always create a transcript for videos with a

spokesperson. The transcripts can be placed as a
subtitle to the video to bring it in line and is in gen-  A quick indexing is ensured by setting up a vid-
eral well received among users as well as YouTube. eo sitemap, which means a list of video content
that is integrated into the site. In this XML file, all
metadata - such as title, description, length and
 It is essential to connect the corporate channel,
source – is listed and should be submitted as well
the video and the website to benefit from the to the Google Search Console after the successful
positive signals of YouTube optimization. A
structured approach is therefore highly recommend- implementation on the website.
ed, meaning that the corporate channel must be Since video is obviously booming, especially on mobile
formally linked to the website so that video links can devices such as tablets or smartphones, companies
be set directly from there. This arrangement can be
extended via the YouTube Creator Studio. should focus more on this type of content and intelli-
gently integrate it on their website to stay competitive.
The correct upload on the video portal, the editorial for-
 The use of so-called structured data to markup mat, the optimal tagging and the correct embedding
content helps the search engine to better under- into your own site are all contributing beneficially to the
stand and classify the content of the website so findability in search engines like Google, Bing or Ya-
that you achieve better distribution of your con- hoo.◊
tent to users from Search. You do this by marking By Daniela La Marca

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