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Tips for copywriters on how to influence

the Google ranking

Suggest): For instance, assuming your business cen-
ters on flowers, if you enter "flower" in Google, the
search engine proposes "flowers online" and "send
flowers" among others. Hence, you should link articles
on your site that have to do with those terms. Or let us
go one step further: When looking for "floral arrange-
ment", Google automatically links the keyword with the
terms "marriage", "burial" and "baptism", but also with
"do it yourself" and "design ideas". To many of these
topics, you should also publish a matching item on your
website, as this increases the likelihood that potential
To be displayed at the top by search engines is the customers can find you.
dream of any business. How exactly this can be
achieved, however, many don’t know, but we might
be able to help a bit by showing you how to adjust 3. Keywords
your text for SEO.
Google hates keyword stuffing, which means the
Matt Cutts, the former head of the web spam team at senseless insertion of as many keywords as possible
Google, gets to the point by highlighting that the quality per sentence. However, the search engine leader abso-
of your content, and the links that you receive as a con- lutely appreciates when keywords and especially their
sequence, determine how high you are ranked in search synonyms are cleverly placed in the text. Having the
engines. We provide you with a few tips that help you main keyword in the title is in particular effective -at the
making it work: beginning of the teaser and in an

-Headline. De-
pending on the length of the text, it is quite possible to
have it 3 to 5 times and don’t forget using synonyms as
1. Useful Content well.

Google wants mainly one thing: Not the "best", the 4. Long Content
"prettiest" or "most modern", but the most useful search
results. This means that good content must be compre- The longer the content, the better for the Google rank-
hensible, as it is otherwise of little use to the reader. ing. An analysis of the Google search revealed that the
Therefore, make sure to write in a way your reader un-
derstands - then Google is satisfied. first places have a significantly larger word count than
lower placed results.

Here are some guidelines:
Therefore, don’t save on space, especially since the
 Use clear, short sentences with a maximum of 20 web has enough of it! On the other hand, also keep in
words. mind that just because the content is long does not
 Your words should be simple and have 2llables. necessarily mean more useful. So, before you produce
unnecessary content, just to get more words, consider
 Stay away from technical terms that your readers a slightly smaller number of words, but meaningful con-
might not understand. tent.
 Write pictorially and activate the imagination of your
customers. 5. Constantly updated content

2. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Google likes in particular documents that are constantly
updated. So, feel free to publish updates of existing
LSI keywords help search engines extract meaning from chapters, especially since information is outdated rela-
words with more than one meaning (orange the compa- tively fast in this day and age. That way you kill two
ny vs. the fruit or color). Google wins in particular by a birds with one stone: you offer your customers con-
latent semantic analysis method that finds a generic stantly updated information to score higher with
term on the basis of several terms. By typing in, for ex- Google.
ample, "animal" and "meow" in the search bar, “cat” gets
proposed automatically. So, make sure to use certain Now you know what Google pays special attention to -
semantically interconnected keywords in your text. and how convenient that all these factors are im-
portant for the searchers (your customers), too. So,
How to find them? Embark on keyword research. The let’s get to the keys of copywriting and check whether
easiest way is still to enter your main keyword in Google you have followed all factors!◊
and see what terms the search engine suggests (Google
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