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Pragmatic mobile SEO tips

As mobile data traffic continues to grow, search en- store or any other provider of a website wants, isn’t it?
gines increasingly place emphasis on perfecting
websites for viewing on mobile devices. This means 3. Build websites with responsive design
for content managers, marketers and website opera-
tors, tuning key parameters to rank in search en- Responsive design is a way to build websites that au-
gines preferably on top while achieving a compelling tomatically adapt to the conditions of different devices
customer experience. with different screen sizes and resolutions. That means
there is a single code base for all devices. In contrast,
You are wondering how you can achieve that? native apps - each of which was written only for iOS,
Android or Windows Phone 8 or 10 - can also be used
Here are some aspects to consider: only on the respective target platforms, so their range
is limited. In the worst case, two or even three separate
1. Accelerate loading speed of mobile websites designs must be maintained. Since there is only one
code base to maintain in responsive design, there are
More and more people use their mobile devices to obviously significant time and cost advantages.
search information quickly on the go, which are often
queries for services, transactions or leisure activities. 4. Use a mobile-friendly design
According to current internal figures of Google, there are
already today more searches conducted via mobile de- A mobile-friendly design is distinguished by easy navi-
vices than desktop computers. Users generally search gation and optimal access controls. In short, it is all
quickly when queuing, sitting in a train or waiting for a about the ease of use and usability. This includes, for
bus on the way to work or between appointments. example, that the text is readable without zooming and
Hence, the speed at which the information has to be links placed clearly distinguishable from one another.
available is most important. Therefore, a website should Furthermore, it is recommended to do without the
manage with as little code as possible, largely without blockade of images, CSS and JavaScript, as it could
redirects, and in the ideal case resort to the services of a cause problems with Googlebot with the consequence
content delivery service when a service or online store of lower rankings.
should be available in a number of countries. For search engines both fast loading time and a web-
site with convenient user guidance comply with key
2. Do not use pop-ups conditions for the increasing customer satisfaction. As
you can imagine, both factors are the more important
Web developers still use pop-ups to display additional in regards to mobile device use where easy handling is
content or detailed information on a web page. Besides crucial.◊
the fact that such kind of advertising is becoming less
and less acceptable on large screens, you should forgo By Daniela La Marca
pop-ups entirely on mobile devices. If pop-ups did not
chase them off to begin with, you will lose them at last,
when the users do not exactly know how they can close
the pop-up, and they probably won’t return again anytime
soon. Well, that is exactly the opposite of what an online
24 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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