Page 23 - index
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In a nutshell it means for you that the days of key- bedded plays a role, too: The text next to, above,
word stuffing are over. and below the image can also be used for indexing.
Responding to the picture tells Google that it is
 Quantity has nothing to do with quality, is a wise more than just a decorative accessory.
thought that applies to SEO, too. Especially when it
comes to the number of available pages of a web-  Google made mobile optimization an official
site. Just because a site has more sub-pages, does ranking factor, that’s why mobile search can’t be
not necessarily mean that it attracts more visitors looked at separately regarding SEO. Besides, ac-
via search engines, as these pages must first be cording to Google, half of all searches are now
filled meaningfully, so that they can have a positive made via mobile devices. So, even if you are
effect on SEO. found, a non-mobile optimized user experience can
hurt your SEO efforts immensely.
 The widespread belief that SEO is something
global, not local, is completely false, as in fact the  SEO neither can be considered only from the
local search is becoming increasingly important. technical, nor from the strategic or content points
Especially for small businesses, the local findability of view, as good SEO requires expertise in all three
plays a supporting role. One reason is that Google fields. The reflex that pushes SEO to the IT depart-
no longer has just one index, but many local indi- ment leads therefore to nowhere. If you want to run
ces, that use the location of the searching user as a SEO in-house, you rather need a team, as SEO is
decisive criterion. nowadays not a task that can be done on the side-
 Google can’t recognize an image the same way By Daniela La Marca
as text, therefore it is more important to give
Google as much information about the image as
possible. Of course that starts with a suitable name,
but does not end with an optimized Alt- text. Mean-
while, the environment in which the image is em-

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