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Just having partial SEO knowledge

can be a dangerous thing

There are no Google ranking factors published, only  Google announced that having a secure site is
vague Webmaster Guidelines, consequently opening a good ranking factor two years ago, meaning
the floodgates to speculations and half-truth that that HTTPS websites have an advantage over
could jeopardize your search engine optimization standard HTTP pages. Although the measured ef-
(SEO). fect has been poor so far, the idea that unsafe web
standards have no impact on SEO is an outdated
Get rid of the following SEO myths and be properly pre-
pared, considering that:
 A widespread notion implies that SEO’s only
 A new webpage does not necessarily have to get
concern is to be ranked as high as possible in
registered at Google, as Google constantly crawls search results. Although that is certainly a big part
the web and indexes thousands of new URLs auto- of it, it's just half of the truth, because what’s the
matically every minute. Although there is in the
use of a top keyword, if the click-through rate isn’t
Google Search Console the option to tell Google right? That's why SEO always means to optimize
new URLs, this is not really necessary as long as the
the appearance of the page at Google. Since the
website is accessible to the public. user behavior plays by now a big role, SEOs must
also ensure that the reader does not immediately
 The call for more links instead of more content is
leave the site.
outdated, because good content delivers nowadays
the foundation for SEO success, rather than links.  The times in which keywords were always to be
Certainly, links are still valuable and an important
repeated word by word, over and over again, are
ranking factor. However, good content has a number long gone. Meanwhile, Google can differentiate
of advantages, such as the fact that high-quality con- perfectly between words with the same meaning,
tent is a unique link-building method.
plural and other forms. Google can even establish
semantic connections better and better.
22 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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