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Online retargeting often fails and falls flat,

so how about email retargeting?

The term retargeting is well known in online marketing Profiles Enrichment and Lead Nurturing
as a tool that addresses users again on other sites with made easily
relevant content after they have visited a website. That
sounds effective, but also comes with some disad- For a mail order company, all starts with a simple click
vantages: The many ads often get lost in the shuffle on a link in the newsletter. Then, the receiver ends up
and up to 60% are even suppressed by Adblockers. at the store and gets marked with a cookie. Once the
Furthermore, it’s not registered when a customer has customer visits again the online shop of the dealer -
bought and the ad contents are displayed even after the within the cookie lifetime, e.g. within ninety days - he/
purchase - again and again. But the main drawback is she can be immediately identified by the cookie.
that the customer can not be identified as long as he
has not been logged in the web shop, in other words This method always works, even when not logging in
the addressee is unknown. A disadvantage that doesn’t there, as long as the cookie is not deleted beforehand.
exist in retargeting via email. All information about the recipient (e.g. what products
he viewed) is stored via a specific tracking procedure
Simple reactivation - relevant, personal, exclusive and transmitted directly to the email marketing soft-
This innovative process of retargeting via email creates
not only the possibility to provide well-directed relevant The sender can use this data for a number of individu-
content, but allows to reactivate shopping cart dropouts alized email campaigns: Customers and prospects are
much easier. Compared to ads on websites, content via supplied at the right time with relevant product infor-
email actually reaches the recipient and Adblockers are mation, or recipients can obtain an automated mailing
irrelevant. By email, the audience is addressed person- with matching product recommendations - for in-
ally and in an exclusive environment – weird content stance, right after the store visit. Shopping cart drop-
and annoying banner don’t exist. outs can receive a mailing with the products that they
The only requirements are that the visitor of the online have already added to the cart, but not purchased yet,
shops is an active newsletter recipient and has clicked so that they can continue to shop right out of the mail-
on a mailing at least once in recent months. In addition, ing. Furthermore, the customer can be informed about
a shop measurement (post-click tracking) must be inte- price reductions of products he is interested in.
grated in the online shop that gathers and stores the
page visits in the online shop, the composition of the
shopping cart, and the purchases made by the custom-
er in the database of the email marketing tool.
20 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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