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Emerson Network Power simplifies

integration of its Data Center

Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

“The value of DCIM depends on its ability to aggregate
large amounts of real-time data from all areas of the
data center,” said Jennifer Koppy, research director,
IDC. “APIs that enable the interoperation of functions
between many different sources of data and manage-
ment solutions are essential to a successful DCIM im-

APIs within the Trellis platform enable it to speak to
applications such as business management systems,
web applications and mobile devices. These APIs help
open bi-directional access to data across platforms and
systems and allow IT to accurately allocate cost by line-
of-business or customer. This communication allows
critical data to be accurately collected and stored in the
Trellis platform. Data center operations teams can then
Emerson Network Power, a leading provider of critical use the platform’s advanced analytics to produce ac-
infrastructure for information and communications tech- tionable information to support decision-making and
nology systems, announced strategic enhancements to measure performance at every level of their operation,
its premier data center infrastructure management thereby transitioning to a data-driven operational model.
(DCIM) solution, the Trellis platform. The release fea- These capabilities have application across all data cen-
tures new RESTful APIs (representational state transfer
application programming interfaces), enhancements to ter operating models including enterprise, cloud, lights-
out and hyperscale. As a result, data center operators
change planning capabilities, and eight new base pack-
age reports. With these updates, Trellis platform custom- will be able to focus less on managing the physical in-
ers will have a fully integrated view of their operations frastructure and more on ensuring that IT applications
across both IT and facilities resources, hence, be able to are available for running the business.
make better capacity management decisions as well as
save costs and time. In addition to featuring new APIs, the latest Trellis plat-
form release enhances the change planning capabilities
“With the addition of APIs, the Trellis platform’s ability to within the Trellis platform. These new enhancements
become a strategic business asset has been greatly en- give users the ability to take advantage of the capacity
hanced,” said Enzo Greco, vice president and general search feature from any point in time. Data center sen-
manager, software, Data Center Solutions, Emerson ior managers and executives are now able to under-
Network Power. “Full integration of facilities and IT re- stand the rate at which and where their resources are
sources makes it simple and efficient for customers to consumed, thereby improving their ability to make bet-
use the Trellis platform every day to make their jobs eas- ter capacity planning decisions. Benefits of this new
ier. And, the API is a particularly powerful feature, as it functionality include greater insight into port capacity
provides a well-defined method for our ecosystem of across the enterprise - due to the ability to manage data
partners, independent software vendors, and end-users connections within created projects - and reduced time
to extend and enhance the value of the Trellis platform.” for planning and new equipment deployment. The latest
The new APIs give the Trellis platform important new Trellis platform release also comes with eight new re-
capabilities that Emerson Network Power customers ports, including critical reports for connections, status
have requested to improve DCIM performance. These and power consumption. ◊
APIs simplify integration between DCIM and applications
running inside customers’ data centers without changing By MediaBUZZ
the way those data centers operate. APIs can be used
for creating interoperability with other applications - from
IT management to accounting systems - extending to
other platforms such as mobile devices, and creating
custom workflows that reflect processes within a custom-
er’s environment.
28 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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