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Capterra’s Top10 list of free

and open source marketing

automation software providers

Marketing Automation software is more than just email  Mautic is an open source marketing automation sys-
automation. With features like campaign tracking, lead tem that is “100% customizable for your particular
management, and many other options to streamline and needs and situations”. You can download it straight
organize workflow, businesses are flocking to this indus- from their website and get started right away. Mautic
try for help with their digital marketing efforts. also hosts a community for its users to get involved
with the product’s development, truly making the
Finding the right solution of individual expectations can download less of a transaction and more like collab-
be cumbersome, but Capterra can help you finding the oration.
best solution for your business. The company provides a
snapshot of the most popular solutions as measured by  Pimcore is another open source option for your mar-
customers, users, and social presence on their website, keting automation needs, although technically
including: Unfusionsoft, Hubspot, Vocus, Eloqua, IBM speaking it is mainly a content management system
ExperienceOne, Teradata, Marketo, Integrate, Simp- that offers marketing automation features. You can
lyCast, Act-On, Ontraport, SAS Institute, Adobe Cam- download Pimcore directly from their site. They have
paign, MindMNatrix, Net-Results. Salesfusion, a community board for users to share their ideas or
MarcomCentral, LeadSquared, eTrigue, and Marketing needs with each other, but they also offer support
Optimizer. plans ranging from 300 EUR per hour to 8,000 EUR
per year.
In fact, the company even explains in one of its blogs
how it is possible to build your own marketing automation  ORBTR is a marketing automation system for “IT
system using a mix of free and open source options and and technology firms” and is based in WordPress. It
has compiled a list of some of the best free marketing offers two versions of its WordPress native product:
automation solutions available (see below) Ping and Connect. Ping, referred to as a plug-in, is
free. For $99/month. Further, ORBTR Connect of-
Capterra examines each of the listed companies more in fers more marketing automation features, like land-
detail. We don’t want deny you with a quick overview: ing pages and more integrations.

 Leadsius is perfect for small businesses, as it offers  InTouch markets itself as “simple sales CRM and
one of the most robust marketing automation systems marketing automation for small business growth.”
for free, but if you think you’ll need more contacts, There are four very low-cost options and the free
users, or advanced marketing automation functionali- version is a just an option for a business exploring
ty, you can consider upgrading to one of the paid ver- the possibilities of marketing automation as you
sions Leadsius offers, starting at $295/month. don’t get much more from it. However, with unlimited
contacts (rare for marketing automation systems) it
 Jumplead encourages marketers to use the product provides a great opportunity to test a campaign or
to explore and learn for free with the ability to grow at two to see if your business could benefit from mar-
your own pace. Their free version is a basic package, keting automation. The next level up is $15/month
effective for small-scale campaigns only, but for $49/ and includes more custom fields, emails, and lead
month, you can start upgrade to Jumplead’s first paid management.
OpenEMM has marketing automation tools in its
 SalesAutoPilot offers two free packages called “Free” open source offerings, but advertises itself as an
and “Starter”. The biggest difference between the two email marketing app. It offers a demo version of its
is that the Starter package allows you to purchase product, so you can try it out before downloading the
add-ons, like extra emails and users; the Free version entire system, and provides great resources for us-
does not. The Pro level of SalesAutoPilot starts then ers on their support page, including video tutorials,
at $19/month, but make sure you do your research on user forums, and a newsletter.
exactly what you need and how much it will cost, be-
fore committing to one of their price levels.  has four price packages of various
functionality on offer, but a bare-bones free version
 SimplyCast is one of the most popular marketing au- of its marketing automation platform as well, making
tomation solutions, but it also offers a free solution via it a good place to start. ◊
their Autoresponder version. The full marketing auto-
mation system that SimplyCast is known for starts at

26 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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