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Asian Marketing Effectiveness &

Strategy (AMES) Awards honors top

marketing performers

Marketing agencies, digital experts and marketers, are Saatchi & Saatchi Australia swept 2 Platinum and 3
kept on their feet this week, with an array of events going Gold trophies for their “Penny the Pirate” campaign for
on in the Island republic of Singapore. Besides the Com- Luxottica. BBDO Pakistan collected 4 Gold awards for
municAsia, BroadcastAsia and EnterpriseIT Shows 2015 the “Not A Bug Splat” campaign for Reprieve/
at Marina Bay Sands, the AMES Conference & Awards Foundation for Fundamental Rights, while MRM//
2015 took place at the Grand Hyatt Singapore with a McCann Singapore took home 3 Gold trophies for the
celebration of the most effective marketing campaigns in Singapore Red Cross campaign.
the region.
The Effectiveness jury selected 9 Gold, 18 Silver and
In its 13th year now, the Asian Marketing Effectiveness 34 Bronze winners from the shortlisted entries. “The
and Strategy (AMES) Awards honor clients and their best work at AMES this year did not respect ‘discipline’
agencies for marketing strategies that deliver solid re- boundaries such as advertising, digital, or experiential,
sults to transform businesses and brands. Yesterday, the but instead integrated them into campaigns based on
AMES Awards applauded a total of 144 winners across how consumers live,” said Jury President James
10 countries with 3 Platinum, 26 Gold, 45 Silver and 70 Thompson, Managing Director, Global Reserve, Dia-
Bronze trophies at the awards ceremony yesterday geo. “I was pleased to see more independent, smaller
evening. India led the region with 31 trophies, followed Asian agency work especially from India, China, Vi-
closely by China, Australia and New Zealand. etnam and Cambodia, but my provocation is we need to
be open-minded to much more. To continue to push the
The annual awards are evaluated by a panel of top client limits of marketing, we need to create a much clearer
and agency professionals who review the submissions understanding of the drivers for success, clarity on re-
against stringent criteria to determine the winners. turn on investment, and importantly, use the dynamic

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