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5. Traffic: Securing campaign protect our campaign results (with commitment to our clients and our
distribution partners Adledge, Peer39, Integral publishers to improve the quality of
Ad Science, White Ops, etc). inventory available and make the
To combat the rise of illegitimate “This is a win-win deal. We can information clear and easy to acti-
Internet traffic worldwide, Artemis now pull in data from across all vate. The ultimate win, therefore,
Alliance provides teams with both screens, technology companies will be for clients, who will benefit
manual and technological solu- and media partners to provide the from smarter solutions and cleaner
tions. Media teams identify and first external, objective review of data to drive investments and busi-
blacklist all suspect URLs based on outcomes across the five critical ness decisions”, Rob Griffin, EVP,
abnormal click-rates, coded URLs areas of Compliance, Experience, Media Futures & Innovation, Havas
and pages without ads. Artemis Impact, Context and Traffic. While Media Group summarized. ◊
Alliance also works with several anti we can’t guarantee 100% viewabil-
-fraud technology solutions to better ity or zero fraud, we can make a By MediaBUZZ

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