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Does the world really need

creative awards?

The advertising industry is meeting  Decision guidance: Awards are which means we are also champi-
right now at the Cote d'Azur for the a useful tool for decision-making oning the role data can play in cre-
world's largest creative festival – - in finding employees, creative ativity.”
the Cannes Lions International Fes- services or a budget allocation.
tival of Creativity. Everybody of dis- Without creative competitions, Of course, the program is impres-
tinction in the global advertising advertising would be less versa- sive again, too. As usual, interna-
industry is clustering around the tile, efficient and entertaining. tional media celebrities are coming
“Promenade de la Croisette”, await- Creative winning advertising in- to Cannes, such as this year the
ing the highlight, which is of course creases the general acceptance musicians Pharrell Williams and
the presentation of the coveted Li- of advertising for the consumer. Marilyn Manson. Further, for in-
ons in the ‘Palais des Festivals et stance, Publicis CEO Maurice Lévy
des Congrès’ in Cannes. With  Communication multiplier: meets on stage the DJ superstar
around 12,000 visitors from more Creative awards promote brand David Guetta or Internet inventor
than 95 countries, and an impress- awareness and social communi- Sir Tim Berners-Lee gives a talk on
ing number of 40,133 works handed cation. Award-winning advertis- the next technological revolution.
in this year, it is a great get-together ing keeps not only trade and All in all, there is a total of more
with stiff competition. However, are consumer media occupied, but than 150 sessions, lectures, work-
such creative awards really needed makes even people in the street shops, master classes and semi-
or can we do without them? discuss it. nars given by 250 international
speakers during the seven-day pro-
There is absolutely no question gram.
about it, as the reasons are obvi-  Basis for studies: A systematic
ous. Although not always everyone evaluation of creativity allows There are some jury members from
can understand why the jury has analyzing it in terms of efficiency Asia actively involved in awarding
nominated one and not the other and effectiveness aspects. Stud- the Lions as well, who I want to
entry, or vice versa, creative awards ies show that creative campaigns mention in particular, such as:
serve as: have an eleven times higher effi- Jarek Ziebinski, Chairman & Chief
ciency, as creative awards are a Executive Officer, Leo Burnett,
snapshot or mirror of society.
 Motivator: Creative awards moti- They document the transfor- APAC; Ashima Avasthi, Senior
vate creatives and brand manag- mation of creativity in the flow of Creative Director, BBC Worldwide;
ers to seek something special time. Rupen Desai, Regional President,
and unique. They provide incen- Lowe + Partners; Anathea Ruys,
tive reward and recognition, be- Head of Fuse APAC; Caroline
sides encouraging bold decisions Besides, there will be some new Spencer, Director of Development,
in advertising companies. In addi- features at the industry’s 62nd FremantleMedia Australia; Anuwat
tion, they are the showcase of meeting: In addition to the Glass Nitipanont, Executive Creative Di-
the efficiency of the advertising Lion, an award for those that break rector, BBDO Bangkok; Lucinda
industry and present innovation. with gender stereotypes, another Sherborne, Executive Planning
new award is introduced with the Director, DDB New Zealand; Guan
Creative Data Lion that honors Hin Tay, Regional ECD SEA & Lux,
 Standard of evaluation: Creativ- ground-breaking, data-fuelled crea- Global ECD, J. Walter Thompson,
ity is subject to no clear and con- tivity. “We’re committed to being at or Guy Roberts, Executive Creative
sistent definition and its rating is the forefront of the industry, which Director, Saatchi & Saatchi New
characterized by subjectivity and means reflecting trends and at Zealand.
always depending on the social, times spearheading them,” said
cultural and political context. Cre- CEO of Cannes Lions, Philip Thom- The world's largest creative festival
ative awards help to operational- as earlier this year. “The Creative is still going on until Saturday, so
ize creativity and objectify their Data Lion is an embodiment of keep on checking their Website to
measurement. In fact, creative those principles. Insights from data stay tuned. ◊
awards act as a coordinate sys- are a powerful driver of creative
tem, they help anyone who works solutions, so it is imperative that By Daniela La Marca
in advertising, classifying the this be recognized and celebrated
quality of the own work and ideas at the Festival. But we are the first
in a national and international global creative awards to do so,
context and to evaluate it.

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