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Marketo explains why marketing

automation is so hot right now

Quite obviously, the rise and fall of marketing automation Furthermore, Marketo believes that marketing automa-
was tied to the dot-com boom and bust and according to tion started to get most likely hot again due to three key
Marketo it is hardly a new concept. The term was first trends, which they explain as follows:
used in 1980, and then started to gain traction in the late
1990s, peaking around 2004, before declining in usage, Trend #1. Changing buyer behaviors forced compa-
reaching a low point in 2007 before it slowly began to nies to change how they market and sell
rise again and today is back up near the 2004 peak the
digital marketing experts states in its whitepaper The Before the internet and social networks, buyers had
Definite Guide to Marketing Automation. limited ways to obtain the purchase information they
needed, so the seller controlled the buying process. But
Marketo explains further: “The late 1990s brought an then buyers moved into the power position. They could
explosion of marketing automation vendors, including access the information they wanted on their own online,
Annuncio, Aprimo, Broadbase, Epiphany, MarketFirst, anywhere and at any time. Moreover, they could delay
Paragren, Prime Response, Revenio, Rubric, SAS, engaging with selling representatives until they knew as
Siebel, and Unica – just to name a few. Then the bust much (or more) than the salesperson did. For example,
happened. Not one of those companies (with the excep- think about how you approach buying a car. You don’t
tion of privately held SAS) survived as a stand-alone go to a dealer until you know exactly what model you
vendor. Some of the solutions are still in the market to- want, and how much you want to pay, right? To ad-
day. For example, Epiphany is part of Infor Epiphany dress the challenge, Marketing started to play a larger
CRM solutions; Unica is part of IBM; Aprimo is part of role in the revenue process. They nurtured relation-
Teradata; and Siebel is part of Oracle. But overall, the ships with early-stage prospects until they became
bust left marketing automation with a somewhat tar- ready. However, this solution posed a challenge of its
nished reputation.” own: the problem of scale. Self-empowered buyers de-
mand relevant, personalized conversations on their
24 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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