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cultural nuances in Asia to develop jury gave out 1 Platinum, 7 Gold, 15 personal and (4) where the strat-
great creative work that is effective.” Silver and 12 Bronze awards. Jayant egy and execution was social by
explained: “There was range of en- design.”
The Media Strategy jury, chaired by tries starting from local executions of
Rahul Welde, Vice President of Me- global strategies to local reinterpreta- Dr Elaine Rodrigo, Global Direc-
dia at Unilever Asia awarded 1 Plati- tion of global strategies to completely tor of Consumer Insights & Strat-
num, 8 Gold, 9 Silver and 12 Bronze local strategies to make it more reso- egy in Biscuits Category,
trophies. He said: “The jury was very nant in the market. They ranged from Mondelēz International led the
impressed by the standard of the attempting to grow market share and Data & Analytics and e-
entries. We were pleased to see markets to share of voice and share Commerce jury, which picked out
many campaigns that focused on of mind. The entries that captured 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 9
delivering value for both the brand the imagination and the attention of Bronze awards for Data & Analyt-
and consumers. They demonstrated the jury this year were broadly in 4 ics, and another Silver and 3
real, quantifiable commercial results areas. (1) remarkably simple and Bronze awards for e-Commerce.
from solid strategic thinking and effective but unhindered by execu- Elaine said: “I was very encour-
great creative execution.” tional complexity, (2) physical met aged to see so much interest in
Headed by Jayant Murty, Marketing digital in interesting ways, (3) where the Data & Analytics track, which
Director for Intel, the Digital Strategy content and response was agile and is only in its second year in
AMES. My fellow judges and I
were impressed at the quality and
breadth of submissions, particu-
larly in the areas of mobile, digital
ROI, and e-Commerce, all which
are burgeoning areas of interest
in the world today.”

Agency of the Year awards were
given in Effectiveness, Media
Strategy and Digital Strategy, to
the best performing individual
agency offices. Lowe Lintas +
Partners, India won Effectiveness
Agency of the Year, BBDO Paki-
stan took the Media Strategy
Agency of the Year while BBDO/
Proximity China brought home
Digital Strategy Agency of the

Commenting on the awards, An-
drea Hayes, Festivals Director,
says, “It is incredibly exciting to
see the breadth of the entries in
this year’s AMES Awards, and
the winners are all exemplary
cases of value creation for their
businesses through their market-
ing strategies. I would like to
thank our distinguished jury
members for their time, insights
and dedication to the Awards,
and congratulations once again
to the winners.”

Please visit
for the full list of winners.◊

By MediaBUZZ

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