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Havas Media Group launches Meta Quality

Barometer to guarantee data integrity,

security and brand safety for their clients

“As a result, we are delighted to launch the first Meta
Quality Barometer for our industry. Helping us to con-
nect the dots of the most advanced tech providers, de-
livering a unique and systematic "meta" barometer on
data integrity, security and brand safety. This will facili-
tate and boost our communications with media owners
to increase the quality of inventory for our clients. I am
extremely proud of the teams in Artemis Alliance who
have formalized a systematic approach to challenging
industry practices so that we can help to provide better
business solutions for our clients and media partners",
Dominique Delpor added.
To improve media inventory and campaign quality, Ha-
vas Media Group recently launched a unique next- In general, the Meta Quality Barometer covers five main
generation ‘Meta Quality Barometer’, based on a com- areas:
prehensive, inclusive approach to data.
1. Compliance: Matching impressions against pur-
Developed by Artemis Alliance, a global data-driven ca- chased media
pacity of Havas Group, the Meta Quality Barometer de-
livers continuously updated data across global, plural- Artemis Alliance rates media owners’ compliance with
media campaigns, to share with all stakeholders campaign directives: promise (purchased versus deliv-
(technology partners, media publishers and clients) to ered media) and technical qualifications (specifications
optimize investments. and requirements). Artemis Alliance constantly audits
both tagging systems (with partner Hub’Scan) and crea-
By now, Artemis Alliance manages tracking and analysis tive work provided for each campaign (with partner
for 100% of Havas Media Group digital campaigns, ana- ClarityAd).
lyzing more than 300 billion touch points every year.
Awarded ISO27001 certification by Bureau Veritas, Arte- 2. Experience: User experience
mis Alliance guarantees that access to data is controlled,
data is safe against copy, transfer or destruction, and Artemis Alliance takes into account user experience
integrity of data is preserved. Hence, it optimizes proprie- and user interaction with campaign messages, in partic-
tary, consumer, client, and third-party and open data to ular how long it takes for pages and ads to load for us-
drive marketing, communication and business results. ers (with partner Catchpoint), as well as where the ads
are located on the page.
Dominique Delport, Global Managing Director of Havas
Media Group explains: “Confidence in data quality is a 3. Impact: Viewability and performance auditing
critical issue for our industry. The scale of fraudulent in-
ventory generated by sophisticated 'bots' is extremely Artemis Alliance can correlate performance (in particu-
concerning and neither media vendors nor agencies are lar in terms of audience) and viewability of media cam-
safe. We need to bring trust and clarity back for our cli- paigns, to gauge their impact, through automatic and
ents. For these reasons Havas has invested in our best- personalized tracking for each advertiser and for each
in-class Artemis Alliance data platform for over a dec- action.
4. Context: Media content and brand safety

Indeed, eMarketer revealed that ad fraud is a top con-
cern for both media buyers (33%) and suppliers (44%), Brand safety services are codes inserted in campaign
and both groups also show great concern for ad viewa- tags which allow Artemis Alliance to protect a brand’s
bility (21% and 15%). Besides, Adledge estimates that image, quantify the number of blocked impressions
only 42% of all impressions served were considered (undesirable context), and identify the context where
‘visible’ according to the definition of the Interactive Ad- these impressions were delivered (with partners
vertising Bureau and 8% were displayed in a potentially Adledge, Peer39).
damaging context for the advertiser. White Ops recently
reported that non-human traffic (aka bots) alone will cost
digital advertisers worldwide over $6.3 billion this year.
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