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own timeframe. If you do not pro- At the same time, budget cuts But at the same time, marketers
vide that experience, they are likely made it more important than ever to have large discretionary operating
to opt out of your communications. measure the effectiveness of their budgets that they easily spend on
However, how do you manage indi- marketing investments, even as marketing programs such as
vidual dialogues with hundreds of new highly measurable digital tradeshows, online advertising, and
thousands, even millions, of poten- channels raised the expectation for agency services. By enabling com-
tial customers? This is precisely measurement across all channels. panies to buy marketing software
why having a marketing automation Empowered with these new tools, like any of these services, the
platform became so critical in the companies determined what was SaaS-based marketing automation
mid-2000s. There literally was not working and what wasn’t, and then vendors removed the largest im-
any other way to keep up with the scientifically re-allocated their re- pediment to marketing automation
demands of modern marketing. sources to operate more strategi- adoption.
Trend #2. The 2008 recession Given this history, you can under-
permanently altered how compa- Trend #3. A new software deliv- stand why SMBs are the fastest-
nies approach revenue genera- ery model unlocked many new growing group of marketing auto-
tion and measurement sales opportunities mation adopters—because only
after marketing automation soft-
No business completely escaped Unlike prior generations of market- ware was offered as a service was
the impact of the economy in 2008. ing automation, today’s leading it available and affordable to them.
Nevertheless, while some organiza- companies provide their solutions This shift drove rapid growth in the
tions hunkered down to weather the using “software as a ser- space. As the industry began to
recession, cutting resources and vice” (SaaS) – meaning marketers mature, businesses from all sectors
headcount, leading companies rec- could access the tools in a browser began to cross the chasm and join
ognized that growth was their ticket with little or no IT support. In addi- early adopters from high-
to not only survive – but also thrive. tion, these solutions are sold as a technology organizations. Soon,
Therefore, they reorganized their recurring subscription, so market- even traditionally conservative and
processes to increase revenue ef- ers can buy them using operating pragmatic companies started to
fectiveness. They refused to toler- budgets instead of making capital use marketing automation, which
ate traditional dysfunctions between investments. These two factors are has resulted in the phenomenal
marketing and sales departments, critical. Marketing is unfortunately growth we see today. ◊
and those associated with measure- seen as a cost center at most com-
ment tools like spreadsheets. In- panies. This made it a challenge for By MediaBUZZ
stead, they invested in technology marketing to get the capital invest-
that automated and streamlined ment and IT support needed for
critical revenue processes. traditional solutions.

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