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Who says data analytics is just for

businesses with big budgets?

Tableau shared an interesting case study on one of their swered within five minutes”, he said.
client that’s worth to spread. Edge Digital, a Singaporean
digital marketing consultancy start-up that has success- Tableau’s speed to insight and data visualizations is
fully adopted data analytics into their everyday decision- giving the business a truly competitive edge. Not all
making, showcases exemplary the efficiency of data an- competitors within the ever-changing digital marketing
alytics in a cost-efficient way. industry are aware how much of a difference it would
make to their business, Lai Tuck Weng points out. To
True to its name, Edge Digital strives to give clients a no surprise, he is already considering to use Tableau
digital ‘edge’ with their offerings, leveraging data to stay for faster, better decision making as well in media neu-
efficient. The team initially looked just for an analytics tral programmatic buying.
tool that could help them make sense of large volumes
of data from multiple sources to solve ad fraud issues. Solving business problems with data
This quickly evolved, however, into a desire to bring data
into decision-making on a daily basis. Edge Digital collects up to five gigabytes of data every
two weeks in the form of CSV files. The business re-
Edge Digital deconstructs marketing challenges in ceives this data from multiple sources, such as Google
minutes with Tableau applications, iOS applications, and 50 advertisement
The start-up digital marketing consultancy is mainly fo-
cused on the gaming, technology, and mobile industry, Obviously, the big challenge lies in the need to validate
supporting its clients in solving and avoiding ad fraud the data and effectively blend it for insightful analysis.
issues that creep into the still relatively new digital- To respond to clients’ needs, it is crucial to quickly un-
advertising space. derstand the data and relay useful information in a time-
ly manner.
With a lean team in a competitive industry, they had to
look for a reliable data analysis tool that sped up prob- However, as a start-up with a very lean team, Edge Dig-
lem-solving and found it in Tableau. By leveraging Tab- ital has to constantly consider resource-allocation time,
leau, the company reliably gets quick and accurate in- manpower, and costs to ensure they are staying effi-
sights from their data that help to solve any problem fast- cient and productive. The team does not have the luxu-
er than ever. ry of spending weeks looking for a solution to help their
clients solve one problem.
In fact, according to the Founder of Edge Digital, Lai
Tuck Weng, “speed to insight has been one of the big- Tableau clearly provides what Edge Digital needs and
gest benefits of using Tableau.” “A client request that wants, which is a more effective way to present their
used to take up more than half a day can now be an- findings to clients.◊
By MediaBUZZ
38 Asian eMarketing - September 2016 - Search Analytics & Search Engine Optimization
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