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P. 38

Data protection is the biggest stumbling

block for data-driven marketing

The terms "big data" and "data-driven marketing" have and more data on the net - both due to new technolo-
already established themselves some time ago as key gies and to changed usage.
concepts of a new marketing era and managed to out- The consumer has de facto become transparent by
grow their hype. Both terms have firmly positioned
themselves in modern marketing and are effectively leaving traces in the network. Within the scope of the
practiced in business life, since it became clear that data-driven developments in online marketing and other
data is only useful if a company is making use of it in a areas of the digital economy, the tools to read and use
meaningful way. these data trails have continuously improved.
The opportunities are obvious
Nevertheless, it can’t be pointed out often enough that
"data-driven" is not to be equated with success meas- Due to the automation and personalization, companies
urement and analysis, but be used as a decision- get the chance to start a relevant dialogue with their
making source. (prospective) customers. The resulting convenience will
please the user in the long term and unfold the effect. In
Working with data requires a certain know-how to do it combination with automation processes, companies can
legitimately. The data privacy protection of customer
data can put many companies in trouble for many rea- build up relationships and strengthen customer loyalty
sons. One is the quickly changing technical develop- in the mid-term.
ment with which the legal situation cannot keep up, The competent and targeted evaluation of customer
besides obvious lack of knowledge, and the ever- data can simply optimize every customer approach, just
increasing amount of collected data which does not as the development of modern web technologies allows
make the problem any less critical. those companies ‘quick wins’, that are just starting to
work out a digital strategy. Because every company
However, the greatest stumbling block is often the vio-
lation of laws and especially the data protection regula- already has content that can be directly used for per-
tions. In addition, the legal situation is often so unclear sonalization.
that companies are permanently making mistakes in- To use data-driven marketing for a future-oriented com-
advertently. Aside from that the entire legislation pany and long-term online marketing strategy, the focus
seems kind of hopelessly obsolete, it has not even fully must be on the personalized and optimized customer
arrived in this millennium, let alone in 2016. experience. The customer must be informed of the add-
ed value resulting from the purpose-related storage of
Hence, transparency in the handling of data is impera-
tive, because that is the only way to establish a rela- his/her data.
tionship of trust with the customers. And as the rela- On the other hand, companies need to discover trans-
tionship between company and customer seems to get parency as a guiding principle for privacy. Thus, despite
more personal, trust is also gaining in importance. the collection of data, a trust relationship with customers
can be established and maintained and a personaliza-
Personalization in exchange of data
tion strategy can be effective in the long term.◊
There are new expectations for the personalization of
content, especially since customers relinquish more By Daniela La Marca

38 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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