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Industries of the Future to be significantly

impacted by Digital Transformation

Technology is expected to be the driving force He also added that despite how technological advance-
across industries and this transformation will be the ments are expected to significantly alter the future, is-
catalyst driving productivity, innovation, skill devel- sues and challenges such as human rights, globaliza-
opment and growth for the companies of today. tion and economic equality will still remain and it is our
moral charge to address them.
Digital disruption was the underlying theme at Frost &
Sullivan’s annual Growth Innovation and Leadership With technology expected to be a major disruptor for
(GIL) 2016: Asia Pacific global congress, which took the jobs of today and the future, the subsequent ses-
place on 13 October 2016 at the Conrad Centennial Sin- sions on Future of Jobs and Future of Business Models
gapore. also discussed how organizations need to evolve and
adapt to the changing business landscape.
Against a backdrop of digital transformation as a strate-
gic imperative, Nitin Bhat, Head of Consulting, Asia Pa- Other highlights of the summit included an interactive
cific and Country Head Singapore, Frost & Sullivan pre- workshop on Employment Market Transformation and
sented a thought provoking keynote session aptly titled in-depth panel discussions on the Future of Asia and
‘Future of the Future’. He discussed how social, techno- Future of Business Models. In addition, Frost & Sulli-
logical, political and economic forces will influence the van’s key analysts shared their insights in selected top-
business and lifestyle patterns of society in the future. ics and provided a glimpse into the future of manufac-
turing, infrastructure and healthcare.
“Amidst an uncertain future, there has been extreme
interest around the themes of living forever, changing The presentations definitely motivated all participants to
lifestyle trends, discovery and exploration. To meet start preparing for the next profound wave of industry
those needs, digital transformation is expected to have a convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing com-
deep impact on the various industries and trends such petitive intensity, changing customer dynamics and
as the community, urbanization, mobility, and security,” emerging economies or new mega-trends coming our
noted Bhat. way. A truly inspiring congress!◊

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