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still trust issues around sharing information between If we think of the freed prisoner as a dot-com pioneer or
partners due to legacy contractual structures, IP con- early digital adopter, who was temporarily burnt by his
cerns and data security. We’re suspicious, and we pre- experience, then his fellow prisoners are his peers, who
fer the comfort of what we know. vowed never to fall into the same trap. They stayed in
the cave, while he ventured back into the sunlight and
Is there ever a ‘right’ time to leave the cave? carried on exploring and learning about the new digital
Both these cave stories relate to one of our primal be-
havioral instincts of safety and the cautionary tale that Today, his extensive knowledge of both the analogue
the grass isn’t always greener somewhere new. Of cave and the digital new world gives him a significant
course, there’s invariably been an element of risk in advantage over his peers who, unless they change, risk
leaving the cave but, as Grug shows us, there’s always certain extinction.
an element of risk in staying, too.
You have to know how to step out of the cave
We’d all prefer to be Guy rather than Grug, but we’d also
like to know what ‘Tomorrow’ looks like before we make The Johari Window model is a very useful tool for gain-
our metaphorical move there. We also know that with ing even more self-awareness, which we can adapt to
something as invisible as digitization, that’s impossible. look at our blind spots of knowledge. Let’s call it the
Four-roomed Johari Cave.

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