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The legal risks of uncontrolled collaboration

and information sharing and how to avoid them

With the evolution and proliferation of collaboration planning and a methodical approach to the assess-
and information sharing tools, improved mobile con- ment of risk. Ignoring the issues is the speediest
nectivity, the adoption of agile working practices and route to legal problems.
device affordability, users are becoming increasingly
self-sufficient and in control of their own IT provision-  Be aware of the phenomenon of unofficial “self-
ing, states the law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse in its procurement” of technology in the work place.
whitepaper Confidential Collaboration: How to manage As the “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) phenome-
regulatory compliance & data privacy while keeping non reveals, workers do self-procure IT applications
your data safe. The legal experts highlight that many and solutions to facilitate collaborative working and
organizations are still too slow to realize the threats information sharing, often using their personal de-
posed by ungoverned collaboration and information vices, equipment and online accounts.
sharing and provide some advice.
 When choosing a technology solution for col-
Paradigm shift from organizationally- to user-
defined information governance poses legal risks laborative working and information sharing, fo-
cus also on enabling “good governance”, in ad-

Field Fisher Waterhouse warns that a company’s loss dition to the technical ease of sharing. A good plat-
of control over commercially sensitive or highly regulat- form should enable the organization to track, log
ed information means losing control of business activi- and control how information is shared. Bear in
ty and data which in turn can involve significant legal mind that email was not designed to offer good gov-
ernance, and carefully evaluate the quality of the
risks, such as breach of data protection and privacy,
breach of duty of confidence, breach of litigation rules governance offered by new, consumer-type online
file sharing applications.
governing the preservation and disclosure of docu-
ments and evidence, or breach of corporate govern-
ance rules.  Work with a technology vendor with a proven
track record in facilitating and supporting safe and
In order to reduce or avoid unacceptable legal risks, secure collaborative working and information shar-
the law firm recommends to take into account the fol- ing. A high quality vendor will be able to demon-
lowing advice: strate deep experience and sector understanding
built up over many years of engagement with enter-
 Adopt a considered position on collaborative prise customers, and will have substantial customer
working and information sharing. CIOs and support operations in place to help deal with que-
CISOs will understand that safe and secure collab- ries and problems.
orative working and information sharing requires
36 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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